September 2018 1 226 Report

Zadanie 1. Write the time expressions in the correct column: "in", "at", "on"

Saturday morning, weekends, my birthday, autumn, half past one, the twenty-first century, the afternoon, Thursday, November, Christmas Day.

Zadanie 2. Complete the sentences.

a)Good is the opposite bad

b)Fast is the opposite of s... każda kropka oznacza literkę

c)Exciting is the opposite of b.....

d)Cheap is the opposite of e........

e)Clean is the opposite of d....

f)Quiet is the opposite of n....

g)Safe is the opposite of d........

h)Friendly is the opposite of u.........

i)Old is the opposite of m.....

Zadanie 3. Complete the table


colour colourful

romance ..............

danger ..............

beauty ..............

anger ...............

peace ................

noise ................

sun ................

health ................

Zadanie 4. Complete the sentences using the superlative form of the adjective in brackets.

1. That shop is the oldest building in the street. (old)

2. They always stay at the most expensive hotel in London.(expensive)

3. These streets the whole town.(dirty)

4. I think New Orleans is one of ................cities in the world.(exciting)

5. Which is............... city in Europe?(high)

6. They have................ garden in the street.(pretty)

7. Learning to drive was.................thing in my life.(difficult)

8. Which is...................planet from Earth.(far)

9. Who's ............ person in your family?(intelligent)

10. Where can I find in London?(good)

11. They bought that they could find.(cheap)

12. I went to New York last year. It was in my life.(bad)

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Pomóżcie proszęĆwiczenie 1W każdej grupie słów zakreśl wyraz nie pasujący do pozostałych.a) beetle, fly, giraffe, waspb) cattle, tigers, goat, sheepc) moth, dolphin, shark, whaled) reptile, mammal, insect, tarantulae) beetle, eagle, parrot, swallowf) trunk, elephant, beak, Shellg) snake, crocodile, ant, lizard.Ćwiczenie 2Do podanych problemów zdrowotnych (1-6) dobierz sposoby radzenia sobie z nimi (a-f).1. I don’t think I do enough exercise. ……………………2. I eat too much junk food. …………………………………….3. I’m stressed! ………………………………………………………4. My skin is terrible. ……………………………………………….5. I think I’ve got an eating disorder. ………………………6. I can’t seem to lose weight. ……………………………….a) Try going on a low-calorie, vegetarian diet.b) Try to find a clinic that specializes in dietary problems.c) You should have a facial treatment at beauty salon.d) Try to relax more.e) You could take up jogging.f) You should give it up and eat healthier food.Ćwiczenie 3 Przetłumacz poniższe zdania na język angielski. Zastosuj czasowniki modalne.1. Możliwe, że spotkamy się w klubie. Ja też idę na ten koncert.2. Musisz zobaczyć ten nowy film. Jest niesamowity.3. Czy mogę dzisiaj wyjść o czwartej?4. O piątej po południu ruch uliczny może być duży.5. Przepraszam czy mógłby pan otworzyć okno?6. Kiedyś nie można było kupić zbyt wielu rzeczy.7. Dzisiaj jest święto i wszystkie sklepy są zamknięte. Niemożliwe, żeby Ania była na zakupach.Ćwiczenie 4 Dokończ poniższe zdania według własnego pomysłu używając I trybu warunkowego.1. I will have a swim if………………………….2. If I have more time tomorrow, …………………………..3. If it is a nice weather tomorrow, ……………………….4. My teacher will give me a good mark, if ……………………..5. If I lose my wallet, …………………….6. Unless I finish my homework, ………………………..Punkty tylko za rozwiązanie wszystkich zadań i błagam nie za pomocą translatora bo tyle to i ja potrafię :(
Zaznaczam, że nie interesuje mnie rozwiązanie za pomocą translatora bo tyle to i ja potrafię ale są to błędne rozwiązania.Ćwiczenie 1Dopasuj początki zdań do ich zakończeń.1. You need to have your account number………….. 2. If you want to open a bank account………… .3. I don’t like this dress………… .4. I’d like to change this mobile phone please………… .5. I don’t want to change this CD, I want to …………… .6. I really like this CD player, but it…………….a) because this one is broken.b) doesn’t work.c) so I’m going to take it back to the shop.d) if you want to take money out of the bank.e) you need to fill out the form.f) get my money back.Ćwiczenie 2Ułóż zdania pytające z podanych wyrazów.1. Poland/ you/are/from ?………………………………………………………………………?2. meeting/ are/ what time/ you/ Ben? ......................................................?3. music/ do/ kind/ like/ of/ what/ you? ......................................................?4. shopping/ afternoon/ are/ you/ going/ this ? ................................................?5. go/ summer/ you/ where/ did/ last ? .....................................................?6. last/did/to/your/go/brother/the/cinema/night ? ...................................................................?Ćwiczenie 3Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi przymiotnikami: independent, loving, brave, sensitive, cheerful, adventurous, creative, bossy.1. My friend is very………………….. She likes travelling to new places.2. My brother is so ………………………….. He’s always telling me what to do.3. I think I’m quite a …………… ………… person. I usually feel very happy.4. Marc’s very ………………………… He isn’t afraid of anything.5. Josie’s a …………………….. person. She likes drawing and making things.6. I like to be ………………………. I enjoy doing things on my own.7. My little sister is very …………………………. She always gives me a kiss and a cuddle.8. Isabella’s so ……………… ………………….. She always worries about people’s feelings.

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