1. Jesteśmy pytani o imię, więc wstawiamy słowo name.
2. Pytanie o przymiotnik odnoszący się do włosów na "w", a więc wavy.
3. W zasadzie tu pasują trzy słowa: high-principled,honest, honorable. Użyjemy honest, jako że jest najbardziej adekwatne.
4. Chodzi o przymiotnik zakłopotany, a więc embarrassed.
5. Pytanie jest o fundację charytatywną, a więc charity.
Zadanie 2.
1. niski - short
2. otyły, gruby - fat
3. mądry, inteligentny - smart
4. to pewnie nie jest odpowiedź, ale pasuje słowo kara (śmierci) - penalty
5. poczucie (humoru) - sense
Zadanie 3.
1. I'm not going out tonight.
2. Do you get nervous before important exams?
3. Why is she wearing your dress?
4. ...so I don't buy expensive clothes.
5. He only cares about himself.
Zadanie 4.
1. What is he doing
2. getting ready
3. are we talking
4. stays
5. meet
Sytuacje 1-3 dzieją się w chwili bieżącej, 4-5 dotyczą kwestii rutynowych, dlatego odpowiednio użyliśmy Continuousa i Simple.
Kartka nr 2.
Opis ilustracji: In the picture we can see some young people sitting in front of small computers, most likely notebooks or netbooks. They appear to be students on some course or lesson in a modern style. They are all wearing the same white uniforms and they seem to be Asians.
Zadanie 1: I think these people are enjoying the work they are doing because it is most usually easier to do decent tasks on a computer than by using a simple sheet of paper and a pen. Particularly in relation to noting information down; when one can type fast, he can do his job a way better than if he was writting by a hand.
Zadanie 2: The advantages of using computers during classes are several. At first, as I mentioned, you can generally note down the informations that you're being given much faster than if you were writting manually. Secondary, you can always have a quick access to every single document, depending on your momentary needs. And last but not least, you can always seek some additional data in the Internet when needed.
Zadanie 3: Recently I have been using my computer to find help in doing my English homework and also I regularly watch my most favorite shows on YouTube and other services. In addition, I often use my computer to communicate with my buddies.
Kartka nr 3.
Opis ilustracji jak powyżej.
Zadanie 1: I think the children may feel slightly embarrassed and unsure, as that is just how do they look like. There is nothing strange in this, though; perhaps they have not gotten familiar with using computers yet.
Zadanie 2: Yes, I am pretty sure that all schools should manage to purchase computers for their students to work on. Obviously it is still a far remoted future for a universal access to the computer for everybody, still I think this is just what should schools work for and that is the goal they should set as the one of the highest priority.
Zadanie 3: My recent problems with the computer were generally about my connection trouble. Sometimes I have strange issues with my Internet link but thankfully they get solved pretty fast. And also it appears I've had a few computer viruses, yet a friend of mine has helped me in getting rid of them.
Kartka nr 1
Zadanie 1.
1. Jesteśmy pytani o imię, więc wstawiamy słowo name.
2. Pytanie o przymiotnik odnoszący się do włosów na "w", a więc wavy.
3. W zasadzie tu pasują trzy słowa: high-principled, honest, honorable. Użyjemy honest, jako że jest najbardziej adekwatne.
4. Chodzi o przymiotnik zakłopotany, a więc embarrassed.
5. Pytanie jest o fundację charytatywną, a więc charity.
Zadanie 2.
1. niski - short
2. otyły, gruby - fat
3. mądry, inteligentny - smart
4. to pewnie nie jest odpowiedź, ale pasuje słowo kara (śmierci) - penalty
5. poczucie (humoru) - sense
Zadanie 3.
1. I'm not going out tonight.
2. Do you get nervous before important exams?
3. Why is she wearing your dress?
4. ...so I don't buy expensive clothes.
5. He only cares about himself.
Zadanie 4.
1. What is he doing
2. getting ready
3. are we talking
4. stays
5. meet
Sytuacje 1-3 dzieją się w chwili bieżącej, 4-5 dotyczą kwestii rutynowych, dlatego odpowiednio użyliśmy Continuousa i Simple.
Kartka nr 2.
Opis ilustracji: In the picture we can see some young people sitting in front of small computers, most likely notebooks or netbooks. They appear to be students on some course or lesson in a modern style. They are all wearing the same white uniforms and they seem to be Asians.
Zadanie 1: I think these people are enjoying the work they are doing because it is most usually easier to do decent tasks on a computer than by using a simple sheet of paper and a pen. Particularly in relation to noting information down; when one can type fast, he can do his job a way better than if he was writting by a hand.
Zadanie 2: The advantages of using computers during classes are several. At first, as I mentioned, you can generally note down the informations that you're being given much faster than if you were writting manually. Secondary, you can always have a quick access to every single document, depending on your momentary needs. And last but not least, you can always seek some additional data in the Internet when needed.
Zadanie 3: Recently I have been using my computer to find help in doing my English homework and also I regularly watch my most favorite shows on YouTube and other services. In addition, I often use my computer to communicate with my buddies.
Kartka nr 3.
Opis ilustracji jak powyżej.
Zadanie 1: I think the children may feel slightly embarrassed and unsure, as that is just how do they look like. There is nothing strange in this, though; perhaps they have not gotten familiar with using computers yet.
Zadanie 2: Yes, I am pretty sure that all schools should manage to purchase computers for their students to work on. Obviously it is still a far remoted future for a universal access to the computer for everybody, still I think this is just what should schools work for and that is the goal they should set as the one of the highest priority.
Zadanie 3: My recent problems with the computer were generally about my connection trouble. Sometimes I have strange issues with my Internet link but thankfully they get solved pretty fast. And also it appears I've had a few computer viruses, yet a friend of mine has helped me in getting rid of them.