Zad.1 Przetlumacz nastepujace pytania: a) Ja bylem w Krakowie kilka razy b) Ja mieszkalem w Polsce przez cale moje zycie c) Ja mieszkalem we Francji przez 5 lat d) To bylo okolo 10 lat temu e) Ja bylem w domu f) To byl sloneczny poranek g) Nigdy ponownie nie widzialem ich h) To byl zimowy wieczor i) To byla chlodna noc j) Ja bylem w Rzymie raz. Zad.2 Opisz po angielsku pogode dzisiejsza.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Zad 1
a) I have been to Cracow several times.
b) I have been living in Poland for all my life.
c) I have been living in France for 5 years.
d) It was about 10 years ago.
e) I was at home.
f) It was a sunny morning.
g) I have never seem their again.
h) It was a winter evening.
i) It was a cold night.
j) I have been to Rome once.
Zad 2
The weather is very nice today. The snow is falling and the temperature is exactly -5⁰C. There is no wind and the sun is shining among the clouds. This weather is going to expected to continue throughout the day.