August 2018 1 29 Report
Zad : Iloczyn y liczb x i 0,44 jest funkcją liczby x .Za pomoca jakiego wzoru i dla jakich wartośći x funkcja ta jest określona ? Obierz kilka wartośći x i oblicz odpowiadające im wartośći y .

zad . : kapitał 2000 zł złożono w banku na x miesieęcy na 10% .Czy odsetki y są funkcją czasu x ? Za pomoca jakiego wzoru funkcja ta jest okreslona ? określ kilka wartośći x i oblicz y

bardzo proszę o szybkie obliczenie ...Plisss ; ****
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Can we really be under the weather ? the weather is linked to seasonal illnesses, such as winter flu,sunstroke or hay fever , and one in three people are sensitive to changes in the weather . Really severe weather , such as blizzards and hurricanes , can damage property and even take lives . So , today many people check the waether forecast for the sake of their safety as well as when they're choosing what to wear. So how did people predict the weather before the days of modern technology ? Well , mainly by looking at the natural world . Almost 3,000 years ago , the Babylonians , for example , looked at cloud patterns to make predictions . Then , the Romans noticed that if the sunset was particularly red , the weather the following day was usually good . Later on , European astrologers were responsible for forecasting the weather for important military campaigns . But it was a terrible job ! If the poor astrologer got the forecast wrong , the penalty was death . Fortunately , the job of a weather forecaster got easier ... but only a little ! The first live TV weather forecast in the UK took place in 1954 . It lasted five minutes and consisted of the weatherman showing weather maps that he had drawn himself . Later on , the forecaster stuck magnetic weather symbols onto a rotating cube with a map on each side . Occasionally , the symbols fell onto the floor ! Thankfully , these were eventually replaced by moving satelite pictures and 3D computer graphics . Nowadays , thanks to extremely powerful computers and satelite data , meteorologists have very detailed information at their fingertips . They can use satelites to see a hurricane approaching , or radar to track a tornado or storm . They can even use webcams to show TV viewers live pictures of what the weather is like anywhere in the world . You might be suprised , then , that a four - day forecast is still only 65-85 % accurate ! All in all , things have come a long way since the days of the Babylonias and the Romans , but most meteorologists belive that predicting the weather will always be a little hit-and-miss ! So , why not have some fun with some traditional folklore ? Are the cows lying down in the fields , for example ? Perhaps it will rain ! Is Grandma's toe hurting ? Maybe bad weather is on the way ! Bardzo was prosze . Przetłumaczcie mi to dzisiaj na polski . . Musze miec na jutro na angielski... :( tylko prosze was z czasami wszystkimi i nie z translatora . daje 60 pkt ; )) z góry dzięęki ;] daje naaj ;d

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