Zad 3 str 52. Exam challenges 1 Ponumeruj linijki dialogu. Emma: How many would you like? Sara:Here you are. Emma:Ok, that's four pounds seventy, please. Sara:YEs,I'd like these bisciuts, please. Emma:Thank you very much. Sara: Two, please. And how much are the big packet of crisps? Emma: Certainly. Sara: And have you got any cans of cola? Emma:They're one pound fifty. Sara:Can I have two packets, please? Emma: Good morning, Can I help you?
Emma: Good morning, Can I help you? Sara:YEs,I'd like these bisciuts, please. Emma: How many would you like? Sara: Two, please. And how much are the big packet of crisps? Emma:They're one pound fifty. Sara: And have you got any cans of cola? Emma: Certainly. Sara:Can I have two packets, please? Emma:Ok, that's four pounds seventy, please. Sara:Here you are.
Sara:YEs,I'd like these bisciuts, please.
Emma: How many would you like?
Sara: Two, please. And how much are the big packet of crisps?
Emma:They're one pound fifty.
Sara: And have you got any cans of cola?
Emma: Certainly.
Sara:Can I have two packets, please?
Emma:Ok, that's four pounds seventy, please.
Sara:Here you are.
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