September 2018 3 24 Report
Exam challenges 1 str. 72 cwieczenia!! :)
5.Wybierz odpowiednie słowa.
A: Are you all right / sure?
B: I'm / have sleepy and I have got / feel a headache, but I'm okay. How / Who are you?
A: I'm good / fine, thanks.

1. str 70
Dopasuj zdania (a-f) do zdań (1-6).
1. I feel sick.
2. I'm tired.
3.I'm worried.
4.I'm fine.
5.I'm hungry.
6.I feel terrible.

a. I didn't sleep well.
b. I've got a headache.
c. I ate a big packet of sweets before lunch.
d. I enjoyed the expedition.
e. I didn't have lunch.
f. I've got a test this afternoon.

2. Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami z ramki.
all right , don't , feel , fine , had , 've got , idea , look , went
B: I'm........... thanks. I............... a great weekend. And you?
A: I'm Ok.
B:Are you sure you're.........? You.........very tired.
A: Yeah. bed very late last night. I....... a headache now and I......sick - I ate a packet of biscuits for breakfast.
B: That was silly. Why........ you have a drink of water?
A: That's a good........... .


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