Zad 1.Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki w czasie Past Simple.Użyj formy przeczącej.Następnie połącz zdania (1-6) z przyczynami(a-f).
wyrazy: ride,start,want,meet,drive
1.I____to pick up litter.
2.She_____her friends after school.
3.Dad_____the car into town.
4.Adam_____his bike in the park.
5.We_____work at 10 a.m.
a)there was too much traffic.
b)some people were late.
c)the weather was wet.
d)there was a lot of broken glass.
e)there weren't any safe places to go.
Pomóżcie ~! ! ! Z góry dziękuje :))
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1 I didn't want to pick up litter.
2 She didn't meet her friends after shool.
3 Dad didn't drive the car into town.
4 Adam didn't ride his bike in the park.
5 We didn't start work at 10a.m.