zad 1- składnia czasowników
dokończ zdania w logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny sposób. Użyj odpowiednich form czasownikowych.
1.Would you ever country.... ?
2. When I was fifteen, my parents didn't let......................
3. The teachers in our school don't allow.............. ?
4. I had several New Year's resolutions last year. I decided.............
5. What you said to Gloria was very rude. I think you should.....
6. The exam was really difficult. How did you manage...........?
7. When I was child, my mother made.................
8. My best friend failed his driving test again. I advised..............
zad 2- pytania pośrednie.
Używając podanych początków zdan, zadaj egzaminującemu pytania w opisanych sytuacjach.
1. nie jesteś pewien czy powinieneś teraz zacząć.
I wonder if I should start now.
2. Nie pamiętasz, ile masz czasu na opisanie obrazka.
I don't remember................
3. Pytasz, czy mógłbyś dostać trochę więcej czasu na przygotowanie.
I was wondering...............
4. Nie wiesz, od której kwestii powinieneś zacząć,
I'd like to know..............................
5. Nie wiesz, czy możesz porównać dwa obrazki.
I was wondering............................
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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2. When I was fifteen, my parents didn't let me watch horror movies.
3. The teachers in our school don't allow us to correct marks.
4. I had several New Year's resolutions last year. I decided to lose weight.
5. What you said to Gloria was very rude. I think you should apologize to her.
6. The exam was really difficult. How did you manage to pass it?
7. When I was child, my mother made me go to bed very early.
8. My best friend failed his driving test again. I advised her not to worry too much about that and try again.
2. I don't remember how much time I have to describe the picture
3. I was wondering if i could have more time to prepare
4. I'd like to know what I should start with.
5. I was wondering if i could compare two pictures
Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam ;) jakby jeszcze coś wytłumaczyć czy pomóc to pisz :)