Wybierz dwa czynniki, które uważasz za najważniejsze i jeden, który ma dla ciebie najmniejsze znaczenie. Uzasadnij dlaczego dokonałeś takiego wyboru.
What makes people happy at work ?
- a high salary
- a good boss
- friendly colleagues
- doing something worthwhile
- enjoyable work
- a good work/ life balance
- variety
Pilnie potrzebne !
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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The most important for me are a good salary and enjoyable work. Noone wants to work for free so I belive we should always take a good paid job with only one condition. It should be enjoyable for ous. We should have fun working so the time would run with double or tripple speed.
What is not so important? I would say friendly colleagues. We can make friends everywhere, it doesn't have to be our working place. Of course it would nice if our colleagues were nice to ous but i belive even if they aren't we still can do our things and just ignore them focusing on our part of work.