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Napisz list Kolega z Wielkiej Brytanii wspomniał ci, że źle się czujesz z powodu przemęczenia i spadku kondycji. Napisz do niego list, a w nim:
- wyraź żal z powodu kłopotów kolegii i przekonanie, że można to zmienić
-wspomnij, że ty równiesz miałeś podobny problem i jaki był jego powód
-podaj dwie rady dotyczące zdrowego stylu życia, które w twojej
-zachęć kolegę by dbał o siebie i wyraź nadzieję że wkrótce poczuje się lepiej
Minimum 120 słow.
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi, Chris!
Are you okay? I am worried about what you've said about your health. This is so bad you're tired, but we can change it, you should change it! I know what I am saying, because I experienced the same thing. I was tired and my condition was getting worse and worse, because my family moved to new town. I couldn't sleep, eat and even think, but I decided to see a doctor. He said it is normal in my age. He said I have to change my diet and he said I need to go to a gym or swimming pool once or twice a week. And you know what? It solved all my problems! After two weeks I felt better. A lot better. You should do the same thing. Visit a doctor, eat more fruits, quit smoking and don't drink alcohol and you can believe me - you will get better.
See you soon!