Have you ever been abroad for a long period of time? If you have, it is quite probable that you have experienced the feeling known as culture shock. It is usually defined as a state of uneasiness caused by a sudden change of the environment. This feeling arrives suddenly and can last for years. People who suffer from culture shock not only experience the feelings of anxiety and despair but also tend to have problems with falling asleep at night and, in turn, often feel tired and uneasy. Culture shock is a quite complex phenomenon and very often is described as consisting of at least three phases depending on the different symptoms appearing over time. The first stage of culture shock is often the most pleasant: the newcomer is fascinated by the diverse and rich culture of the country he has arrived at. He lavishes the local cuisine and explores the cultural peculiarities. However, when the second stage sets it, the pleasant feelings start to fade away and a feeling of total bafflement starts to take over. The diverse culture no longer seems attractive but is viewed as distant and threatening. This is a period of loneliness and homesickness that can last even years. However, with time, the situation starts to change and order is slowly restored. Previously an alien, now the person becomes admitted to the society and may even treat it as his own. New feelings, of belonging and attachment, emerge. Culture shock, as complex as it is, may eventually benefit a person, making their life richer.
1. Culture shock is the anxiety which you feel when you are in a completely new environment. - True False 2. The feeling of culture shock usually sets in after the first few years of coming to a new place. - True False 3. Culture shock can be emotional and physical. - True False 4. The symptoms of culture shock usually appear at the same time. - True False 5. The first stage of culture shock is usually the worst. - True False 6. At the third stage of culture shock, you start to feel better. - True False 7. Culture shock can change you and make your life better. -" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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