September 2018 1 145 Report


Uzupełnij poniższy tekst:

a) -Jeżeli samochód jedzie ulicą ruchem jednostajnym prostoliniowym, to wszystkiesiły działające na samochód..........

-Działanie Ziemi na samochód jest równoważone przez oddziaływanie podłoża(ulicy) na samochód. Siła ciągu silnika jest......... przez opory ruchu.

B) -Lecący w dół spadochroniarz porusza się ruchem jednostajnym prostoliniowym(gdy nie ma wiatru), ponieważ opory ruchu..... oddziaływnie grawitacyjne Ziemi na spadochroniarza i spadochron.

c) -Gdyby nie było zjawiska tarcia, to każde ciało, które uzyskało prędkość na skutek oddziaływania z innym ciałem lub ciałami, poruszałoby się ruchem....


Wyjaśnij, dlaczego wyhamowanie lądującego wahadłowca wymaga oprócz hamulców ogromnego spadochronu?

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Zad.1 wpiszw pola odpowiednie formy w czasie Past Simple, Past Continuous lub Past Perfect.a) The tennis player (lose) the match because he (not pay) attention.b)Mandy came too late. The football game (finish) and her boyfriend (leave) without her.c)After his football training, Martin was exhausted, so he (go) to bed and (not have) a bath.d)His car (already arrive) when the formula one driver finally (come) to the circuit.e)A: How (you break) your arm? B: I (run) for a ball when I (fall)Zad.2 wpisz w pola litery.a)Sometimes when Amanda and Daria don't want to go to the disco they buy some t *s**w** , usually Greek food, and watch films at home.b)Football is so popular in South America that the stadiums are almost always full with *p****t***.c)One reason for the popularity of Robbie Williams is that he's so ch******.d)Resturants aren't bad, but nothing is as good as a *o**-c***e* meal.e)Before playing sport, it's very important to *****up so that you don't strain your muscles.f)Monica doesn't have very many close friends because she's so m**** , one minute she's happy and the next minute she's crying.g)My favourite seafood is p**w**, I think I can eat fifty of them in one night!h) The basketball c**** was brand new, and the players couldn't wait to walk out onto the beautiful wooden floor.i) Mark's girlfriend was extremely j****** , she never let him talk to other girls.j) Many of problems in the world today are because so many people ares*****h, they don't think about the needs of other people.

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