chodzi mi tylko o sprawdzenie tego tekstu!daję naj.
chodzi głownie czy zastosowanie czasów jest dobre, bo strasznie mi się mylą... :/
z góry dzięki!
- hello, mrs Fall. i'm form New York Times. Can you tell me what happened to you yesterday?
-Yes. So las night I was in my home. i was doing supper and then i smelled a smoke.
-okay. and whay happened next?
- i was going out my house and i saw a home in fire
-whose hause it was?
- Graves famil.
- it was someone inside?
-Yes. Soon i saw simon and kate. they were going out of the window.
-what were you doing next?
- i quickly run to the children and i took them to my house.
-and how you feel now?
- i think i'm okay.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Nie wiem czy ci się pomyliło chyba I'm FROM New York Jest dorze tylko nie które wyrazy są źle napisane ale to chyba źle ci sie na klaswiaturze napisło :) (np.Graves family a ty napisałś famil)