You don't want your mother to pick you up .you want to go home by bus . what would you say? start with dear mum....
Dear Mom, I'll go home by bus with my friends today, so you don't have to pick me up. I'll see you at home, mom. Love you.
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Bisa jga gini dear mum,today I will go home by bus with my friends, so no need to pick up my mother today, do not worry yes ma'am!!!, we will meet again at home, I love you, mom ...
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"do not worry yes ma'am!!!" ? Sepertinya kurang tepat untuk ibu sendiri. panggilan maam dipakai sebagai panggilan hormat kepada seorang ibu, yang bukan ibu kandung kita, dan penggunaan kata yes sebelum maam adalah dialek Indonesia, untuk English bentuk tersebut tidak baku.
dear mum,today I will go home by bus with my friends, so no need to pick up my mother today, do not worry yes ma'am!!!, we will meet again at home, I love you, mom ...