You are cordially invited to our 50 th wedding anniversary mariana diana and feriawan hamzah saturday 16 june 2016 rose bistro jakarta please wear red or gold clothes as it is our golden anniversary
1 where will the event be held a hamzah's backyard b jakarta bistro c mariana's house d rose bistro
2 what costume should their friends wear if they want to comw a black shirt b grey shirt c purple shirt d red suit
due to aviation safety smoking while aboard the plane and during the flight is prohibited
3 what is the purpose of this notice to a ban the use of cellular phone at the airport b give the message to all readers c remind all passengers not to smoke in the plane d warn people not to carry cellular phone on the plane
4 who would likely to give the notice a air crews b airport authority c the pilot d the stewardess
5 where can we find this notice a airport b bus station c taxi pool d train station