October 2018 1 32 Report

Rozwiąz nierówności

a) 2/x >1

b) 5/x ≥ -3

c)3x-2/x-3 >0

d)3x-8/x-2 ≤ 0

e)1/x <1/3

f)7x-4/x+2 ≥ 1

g) x-3/x+5 ≥ 1/x+5 + 2

h) x+2/x+1 - 3/x+1 > 2 Daje dużo punktów !!

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Prosze o przetłumaczenie. Daje duzo punktow :) The US farm belt has been mired in recession. Between 1960 and 2000, the food price index for major commodities dropped almost in half, and as a result, farm income has declined. Overall conditions in the farm economy in early 2000 were largely a replay of the previous year. Markets for major commodities, particularly field crops, were very weak as supplies remained large. Crop prices projected for the 2001–2005 period are at, or near, lows experienced over the previous 20 years. The cause is overproduction. Supply and demand Farmers are in a no-win situation. The only way farmers can increase their income is to increase production. But increased production results in an even greater supply, which drives prices down even further, which leads to even greater financial losses. This situation is not new. For decades the government has implemented price supports and restrictions on the acreage of some crops to help maintain farm income. Why has the government shielded farmers from the law of supply and demand? One of the reasons is cultural. Many people believe that farming is a way of life that epitomizes American values and therefore should be subsidized. But when the “freedom to farm” act (the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996) was passed in 1996, many of the subsidies and restrictions were reduced or eliminated. Although farmers thought that this bill would give them the freedom to produce more and thus profit more, in reality it has given them the freedom to produce more and profit less Genetic engineering as the solution Since 18 May 1994, when the US Food and Drug Administration approved the first genetically modified organism for commercial sale, genetic engineering has been hailed as a solution to many of the problems of agriculture It is claimed that the increases in crop productivity brought about by genetic engineering can help relieve problems faced by farmers by decreasing the losses caused by pests, disease, weeds, and other stressors. From the point of view of an individual farmer, genetically engineered crops might seem to be very desirable. During the Ceres Forum on Environmental Benefits and Sustainable Agriculture through Biotechnology at Georgetown University, several farmers testified that planting genetically modified plants increased their income because of increased production and fewer losses to pests and disease. The fallacy is, of course, that if all farmers adopt genetically altered crops, there will be an even greater oversupply, resulting in a further decrease of prices. It is an interesting variation on the tragedy of the commons. If one farmer exploits the commons (the commons being a restricted market) by producing more than his or her fair share (a fair share being that amount that could be produced without genetically altered crops), then that farmer will achieve an “unfair” advantage. This farmer will profit at the expense of all other farmers. Of course, if all farmers planted genetically modified crops, then all would have an equal advantage, and everyone would again receive a fair share. But the result of this would be an even greater oversupply and consequent further decline in prices.

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