November 2018 1 22 Report
Wymień dwa problemy z którymi borykają się historycy zajmujący się dziejami najnowszymi? Tylko proszę nie kopiować z innych stron ! :D
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Przetłumacz (tłumaczenia z translatora bedę zgłaszać!) We took the escalator to the third floor and started looking around the electrical department. "Which one do you think is best?" asked my husband George. We were looking for a new kettle as ours had stopped working that morning. "I like this one," I said pointing to a shiny silver model. "What do you think?" "You're the boss", smiled George. "Now, let's go and find you a dress." On the fourth floor, we started looking for a dress for me to wear to a friend's wedding the following month. George spent five minutes pretending to help me, then wandered off the first moment he could. I didn't mind. I was lucky he had even agreed to come dress shopping with me. Most of my friends husbands refused to even step foot inside a clothes shop with them. After choosing a dress, I went to look for George. I eventually found him in the store's cafe, a cup of black coffe in one hand and a sports newspaper in the other. "Hello!" he said with a smile when he saw me. "I just came up here to buy you a chocolate croissant as I thought you mind be hungry." I laughed. "Oh you did, did you? And the croissant would be... where exactly?" "Well, you got here just as I was about to buy it, "said George with a grin. I laughed. "What a thoughtful husband I have!" I said. After enjoying a relaxing half hour in the cafe, we went back down to the ground floor and left the store. As we did, the store alarm sounded. Unaware that it was us who had set off the alarm, we continued walking out onto the street. A member of staff ran after us. "Sir! Madam! Please come back into the store. We need to check your bags." I stared at him in amazement. "Why?" I demanded. "Do you think we are shoplifters?!" "Of course not, Madam. But I need to follow store policy. Please come back inside. "Once inside, I opened my purse for our receipt and handed them over. "There!" I said emphatically. :Now please apologise," "Thank you, Madam. But I need to look in your bags." I opened them and that's when we discovered a security tag had been left on my dress. "This is what set off the alarm," said the security guard. "I'll have it removed at once and you are free to leave. My apologies." I looked over at George, who had been quiet all this time. From the look of embarrassment on his face, I knew it would be a long him before he agreed to come shopping with me again.
Przetłumacz: As Laurie turned the corner, he shouted back. Keep near the shore. It's not safe in the middle. Jo hear, but Amy was struggling to her feet and didn't her a word. Jo looked over her shoulder and a voice in her head said... Whether she heard or not, she can take care of herself. Laurie skated round the corner, and Jo was just about to follow him. Amy was far behind and going towards the smoother ice the middle of the river. For a minute Jo stood still with a strange feeling in her heat. She decided to go on, but something stopped her and turned her round. She was just in time to see Amy throw up her hands and go down, with a sudden crash of ice. There was a splash of water, and a cry that made Jo's heart stand still with fear. She tired to call Laurie but she had no voice. She tired to go forward, but she felt she had no strenght in her feet. For a second, she stood still and was staring with a scared face at the little blue hood above the black water. Something went past her quickly, and Laurie's voicw cried out... " Bring a rail. Quick, quick". She didn't know how she did it, but for the next few minutes she worked with Laurie, who was lying flat on thw ice. He held Amy up with his arm and a hockey stick until Jo got a rail from the fence. Laurie and Jo got to the child-out. Amy was frightened but not really hurt. "Now then, we must walk her home as fast as we can. Cover her with our things, while I take off my skates" said Lourie.He put his coat around Amy as he was pulling hard at his laces. Amy was shivering, dripping wet, and crying, as they took her home. After such an exciting time, she fell asleep, covered in blankets in front of a hot fire.

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