October 2018 1 46 Report

Wyjaśnij zasade ochrony przeciwpozarowej w postach i terminalach 3-4 strony" chodzii o Porty morskie i lotniska

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Witam są 3 krótkie teksty i 2 pytania do każdego. Proszę o krótką odpowiedź na pytania. I was in russia with some friends and we were about to leave to go on a long trip. So with my bags in my hand I walked towards the door. I turned around to say something but everyone else was just sitting there silently. With his finger to his lips, Dimitri smiled at me and asked me not to interrupt, as this would bring bad luck. Feeling a bit embarrassed. I walked back in and sat down. After a minute everyone got up and cheerfully walked out the door. I later learnt that it is a Russian custom to sit silently in the house before a journey. Actually, it's also useful because it helps you remember if you've forgotten anything important! 1) Why did Dimitri ask John to be quiet? 2) How did John react? I'm from Wisconsin, and when we meet someone for the first time, we usually shake hands. Well, I had a big surprise in Belgium. When I was introduced to my friend's brother, something occurred, which made me feel uncomfortable. I said "hi" to him, extending my hand, and he came up to me and kissed me on the cheek, not once, but three times, going from one cheek to the other! Of course, I went red and they started laughing at mr, In Belgium, it's common to greet someone by kissing three times. 1) Why did Tracy extend her hand? 2) How did Tracy feel when the man kissed her? Last year, I was invited to Japan by my friend Daiki. On the second day of my visit, Daiki asked me if I wanted to see his son in a play and of course I said "yes". It was really entertaining but halfway through the play, I got something in my eye. So, I tried to remove it with my finger. Daiki's wife saw me and she got really upset. I couldn't understand why though. I asked Daiki why his wife was angry with me and he told me that in Japan when you pull the skin down under your eye, it shows that you find something boring. Later in the evening, I apologised to Daiki's wife and tried to clear up the misunderstanding, but I'm not so sure she believed me. 1) Why did Peter Pull the skin down under his eye? 2) What did Peter do after the misunderstanding?

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