September 2018 1 28 Report
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1.Przeczytaj tekst i zaznacz prawda/fałsz oraz uzasadnij gdzie to jest w tekście.Wise womanBefore we had doctors and hospitals and before we discovered modern medicines, people used to turn to the wise woman of their village for help with medical problems. It was a time when milions of people died of infectious diseases, so wise women often did not live long. They collected wild plants to treat their patients, but these could kill as well as cure. People were afraid of wise women because they thought they used magic in their cures. Many people used to believe that these wise women were really witches who worked for the devil. Tens of thousands of these women lost their lives in witch-burnings.Leech collectorFor centuries and centuries, doctors used to believe that the best way to treat illnesses was to take some blood from the body. The easiest way to do this was to put a leech on a patient's arm, so seeling leeches was big business. Leech collectors used to spend hours in lakes with no clothes on, waiting for leeches to attach themselves to their legs. They then removed the leeches from their legs and sold them to doctors.Target girlCircuses used to be a lot more popular than they are now and one of the most popular circus acts was knife-throwing. The thrower attached his assistant- the target girl- to a round target. Good knife-throwers could throw sixty knives in a minute, and some of them used targets that turned like a wheel. Target girls needed to be beautiful and...very brave! Because the act was so dangerous, accidents were not uncommon.True/False:1.The cures of wise women were not always successful2. People did not undestand wise women3. Doctors used to collect leeches from lakes4. Leech collectors did not use to wear anything for their work5. Knife-throwing was never popular at the circus6. Target girls never had accidents.2.Przeczytaj teskt jeszcze raz i znajdź słowa, które pasują do definicji1 a woman with magic powers w_ _ _ _2 illnesses d_ _ _ _ _ _ _3 use a medical method to cure and illness t_ _ _ _4 the red liquid in the body b_ _ _ _5 an object that you must hit in a game t_ _ _ _ _6 not afraid of danger b_ _ _ _
Przeczytaj informacje o czterech osobach (1-4) oraz pięciu programach telewizyjnych (A-E). Do każdej osoby dopasuj jeden program, który by jej najbardziej odpowiadał. Wpisz odpowiednie litery obok numerów osób. Jeden program został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej osoby.1. ___Zach: 'I love watching detective stories, but not those old-fashioned ones. I prefer the American programmes where they use scientific methods to catch the murderers and wear white coats and do experiments'.2. ___Lisa: 'I like to watch programmes about real life so that I can learn from them. I'm interested in why criminals commit crimes and I'd like to be a detective one day'.3. ___Maya: 'I prefer old-fashioned stories where there are groups of people in old country houses. One of them is the murderer and the detective looks for clues and interviews people'.4. ___Lucas: 'I like watching thrillers. I enjoy stories about spies and political problems. It's always great when there's one character that saves the world, or something like that'.A. A young newspaper reporter uncovers a plot to destroy the British government. His discovery results in a thrilling game of cat and mouse as he tries to escape his enemies and save the Prime Minister.B. Cameras follow the police onto the roads in Manchester on a Friday night. One driver is arrested for speeding. Another is arrested for dangerous drifing. This is a look at how life really is for police in Manchester.C. A diamond has been stolen from a celebrity's house. Detectives search the crime scene and find DNA. But does it belong to the thief?D. In his week's True Crimes, journalist Sam Todd visits one of America's toughest prisons. He looks at conditions there and talks to some of the most dangerous criminals in the world.E. Yet again, Louis LeSoir is called to investigate a murder. Thistime it's New Year's Eve and someone is killed at a party. The victim is a man that knew a secret. But what is that secret, and who didn't want him to tell it?
Przeczytaj teksty i odpowiedz na pytania:1. Where excatly is the market?2. What does it sell?3. What days and times does it open?4. What can you do after the market?THE FLOATING MARKETS OF BANGKOKBangkok, the capital of Thailand, is a city of contrasts. The tall glass buildings look like any other modern city. But behind them is a place where life hasn't changed for over 100 years- the canals. Built in 1866 by the King of Thailand, these canals are home to many Thai people who still live and work there today. There are four floating markets around Bangkok, and the oldest and most popular is in the town of Damonen Saduak. This market opens every day from 6.30 a.m. It's best to shop early and go by water taxi. After 9 a.m. the tourist buses arrive, and it's much too busy. It's a colourful, noisy, fascinating place. Old ladies with huge hats sit in small boats, filled with tropical fruit and vegetables, fresh coconut juice and local food. Did you miss your breakfast? Then just call a seller for a bowl of hot soup. He'll get it from a cooker at the back of his boat! But the boats don't just sell food. Would you like a traditional hat? A silk dress? A flowered shirt? Then just call and point. After the noise and excitement of the market, continue along the canal. Soon you'll see the wooden houses, orchads, and floating flowers of the canal willages. It's a lovely, peaceful way to finish your trip.A PERFECT DAY IN PROVENCEEvery Sunday in a small town called Isle-sur-la-Sorgue in southern France there is a truly amazing market. Isle-sur-Sorgue is like Venice. The River Sorgue runs in and out of the old narrow streets and under the many bridges, and on market day every street and bridge is packed with stalls. From early morning, this sleepy little town becomes a noisy, busy place with sellers calling to you in the singing accent of the south. You can choose from an amazing selection of olives, hundreds of cheeses, and delicious roast chickend. But it is not just a food market. Antique sellers fill the pavements with beautiful old French furniture, and there are tables covered with antique lace and cloth. Flower sellers invite you to pick from their brightly coloured bunches of flowers. The air is filled with the smell of soaps, herbs, and lavender, all made and grown in Provence. Do you need a sun hat? Did you forget your beach towel? Your choices are endless. Travellers fill their backpacks with delicious things for Sunday lunch: olive bread, tomatoes, ham, melon and, of course, a bottle of local rose wine. At 1 o'clock everything closes, and everyone goes home. Then it's time to find a cool place next to the river for a perfect picnic on a perfect day in Provence.THE SOUKS OF MARRAKECHMarrakech in Morocco looks like a Hollywood film set. It is a city of ancient, sand- coloured buildings and palm trees in the middle of the desert. In the centre is the main square, Jemaa el Fna. Here you can see dancing snakes and drink Moroccan coffe. But behind the square is the real heart of the city. This is the souk (the Arab word for market). Hundreds of little shops and stalls are open from early morning till lunchtime, and again in the evening. The souk, with it's narrow, busy streets, is divided into lots of smaller souks. There's ate aromatic spice souk, the noisy meat souk, the colourful clothing souk, the gold and silver souk, and many more. Finally, there's the carpet souk. Here, hundreds of handmade Moroccan rugs and carpets cover the pavements. No two rugs are the same. In Mr Youssaf's rug shop, he invites you to sit down among all the beautiful carpets. A silver teapot arrives with little glasses and Mr Youssaf talks about the different rugs, while his assistants roll them out one by one. Two hours later, after many glasses of traditional mint tea and lots of bargaining, you finally choose your rug leave much poorer. Then it's time to return to the main square to watch the snakes and count your money.
Przeczytaj uważnie tekst, z którego usunięto pięć zdań. Wpisz w każde miejsce (1-5) literę (A-F) oznaczającą brakujące zdanie. Jedno z podanych zdań nie pasuje do tekstu.Bermuda is a sub- tropical Atlantic archipelago, some 600 miles north of the Caribbean, which in the past used to be a hiding place for pirates. Now the islands are visited by many Europeans, Americans and Canadians who go there for water sports. 1.__________. Visitors can take a glass-bottomed boat to see this. The island's 12 beaches attract many tourists because they are big and sandy.2.__________. However, sometimes it is not easy to play these games because of very strong winds, though some people find it a nice challenge.Bermuda can be visited all year round but the busiest tourist season is between April and October, when the weather is at its warmest and water temperatures are comfortable for swimming and diving. The winter season is a bit too cool for swimming and many diving companies and boat tours do not work as it too windy.3.__________.Hamilton, the main town, serves as both its capital and the commercial centre of the archipelago. The city's heart is located in Front Street, a harbour- front road with Victorian buildings in bright colours: pastel melon, lime, apricot and sky blue. 4.__________.The town is also interesting for history fans as there are numerous places of historical interest, especially from the times when Bermuda was a British colony. 5.__________. There you will find places connected with WW2, such as a fort which was a North Atlantic base during that time.A.However, this is the time when the conditions for windsurfing are the best.B. These are the two main reasons why so many people visit the island every year.C. The island is perfect for snorkelling and diving and the clear waters make watching coral reefs and sea life possible.D. Bermuda is also an ideal destination for those in love with tennis and golf.E. Many of them have verandas, where people often have lunch and watch boats go across the harbour.F. In addition to the Bermuda Maritime Museum, you can pass a pleasant hour or two walking about the Dockyard grounds.PODPOWIEDZI:1. Są 2 zdania dotyczące sportów wodnych. Które pasuje do pierwszej luki?2. Które sformułowanie w kolejnym zdaniu pomoże ci wybrać właściwe sformułowanie?3. Które zdanie mówi o porze roku?4. Które ze zdań może dotyczyć wyglądu miasta?5. Które zdanie jest związane z historią miasta?
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi (a, b, c lub d) wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu.Arsenal, a London football team, and Arsenal fans are called Gunners, (sometimes Gooners) after the gun on their badge. The fans are believed to be the best-educated in the country but they also have the reputation of being a bit boring. Other fans joke that rather than eating the horrible burgers and pies that are the typical food at most football grounds, Gooners eat expensive and healthy sandwiches. Arsenal fans are generally quieter than other fans, and don't have quite so many songs and chants for when they play. This is why rival supporters give the Arsenal ground, Highbury, the nickname ,Highbury the library,.In fact Arsenal fans' most famous chant is ,Boring, Boring, Arsenal,. which was sung by rival fans when Arsenal used to score one goal and defend for the rest of the match. Now Arsenal fans sing ,Boring, Boring, Boring Arsenal, themselves with a degree of irony, as they now play the most stylish football in England.Arsenal's recent succes has seen ticket sales rise and a new generation of fans. However, this success has led to changes that haven't been welcome. The Arsenal team badge was changed last year to a modern simple version. While Arsenal argue that this was to stop unauthentic T-shirts being sold, many believe it was just to make sales bigger. Then Arsenal got a new team sponsor, which appeared on the shirt bigger than ever. The demand for match tickets has also led to Arsenal building a new stadium but, only about 400 metres from the old one!1. People say that Arsenal's fansa) have more money than other fansb) are not interesting peoplec) have gunsd) like joking a lot.2. Arsenal is called ,Highbury the library, becausea) they usually score only one goalb) their fans read more books than other fansc) they don't sing as much as other football fansd) their fans cannot sing at all3. There have been changes in the club becausea) their fans want themb) not enough tickets are sold for the matchesc) there will be a new stadiumd) the club wants to make more money4. The text comes froma) a sports magazineb) the official Arsenal webpagec) a football commentaryd) an encyclopadia.

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