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Wise woman
Before we had doctors and hospitals and before we discovered modern medicines, people used to turn to the wise woman of their village for help with medical problems. It was a time when milions of people died of infectious diseases, so wise women often did not live long. They collected wild plants to treat their patients, but these could kill as well as cure. People were afraid of wise women because they thought they used magic in their cures. Many people used to believe that these wise women were really witches who worked for the devil. Tens of thousands of these women lost their lives in witch-burnings.
Leech collector
For centuries and centuries, doctors used to believe that the best way to treat illnesses was to take some blood from the body. The easiest way to do this was to put a leech on a patient's arm, so seeling leeches was big business. Leech collectors used to spend hours in lakes with no clothes on, waiting for leeches to attach themselves to their legs. They then removed the leeches from their legs and sold them to doctors.
Target girl
Circuses used to be a lot more popular than they are now and one of the most popular circus acts was knife-throwing. The thrower attached his assistant- the target girl- to a round target. Good knife-throwers could throw sixty knives in a minute, and some of them used targets that turned like a wheel. Target girls needed to be beautiful and...very brave! Because the act was so dangerous, accidents were not uncommon.
1.The cures of wise women were not always successful
2. People did not undestand wise women
3. Doctors used to collect leeches from lakes
4. Leech collectors did not use to wear anything for their work
5. Knife-throwing was never popular at the circus
6. Target girls never had accidents.
2.Przeczytaj teskt jeszcze raz i znajdź słowa, które pasują do definicji
1 a woman with magic powers w_ _ _ _
2 illnesses d_ _ _ _ _ _ _
3 use a medical method to cure and illness t_ _ _ _
4 the red liquid in the body b_ _ _ _
5 an object that you must hit in a game t_ _ _ _ _
6 not afraid of danger b_ _ _ _
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. True ((They collected wild plants to treat their patients, but these could kill as well as cure.))
2. True ((Ostatnie 4 linijki pierwszego akapitu. Nie rozumiano ich metod, uważano za czarownice i ostatecznie spalano na stosach.))
3. False ((They then removed the leeches from their legs and sold them to doctors.))
4. True ((Leech collectors used to spend hours in lakes with no clothes on(...) ))
5. False (( (...) one of the most popular circus acts was knife-throwing.))
6. False ((accidents were not uncommon.))
1. Witch
2. Diseases
3. Treat
4. Blood
5. Target
6. Brave