Wyjaśnij co rozumiesz poprzez stwierdzenie: i tu mozna sobie wybrać jedno stwierdzenie: -milczenie jest złotem;(silence is golden) - wszystko dobre co sie dobrze kończy;(all's well that ends well) - nie można oceniać książki po okładce(you can't judge a book by its cover) Praca na jedną stronę A4
All's well that ends well I understand this sentence as: what ever you've been through and at the end you feel satisvied of what you did or helped someone it was an succes. Last week i had a situation which reflekts to this sentence. I was at a school trip, where we went for camping. While group walk through the forest me and my friend decided to climp up a tree and see the view from the top. As we climbed up the goup did not count us if we were all there. The view was amazing and we were watching it for about 10 minutes. As we both came down the tree we could not see anyone from the group or either hear their talking. We were terrified, but we also had good time looking for them together, for about three hours we were looking the way to the camp but we cound not find it. We got to the camp after 6 hours, lucky us we got lost in the morning. . I'm reflecting to this story because even though we got lost, could not find our friends or camp we finally found it and we were really glad that we did, and it finished in good way.
Nie wiem czy o cos takiego chodziło, napisałem tutaj historyjke ze sie zbubilem z kolega na obozie szkolnym bla bla. Tak bo inaczej nie rozciągną bym tego na 1 strone A4 Nie licze na naj, mam nadzieje ze pomoglem :)
I understand this sentence as: what ever you've been through and at the end you feel satisvied of what you did or helped someone it was an succes.
Last week i had a situation which reflekts to this sentence. I was at a school trip, where we went for camping. While group walk through the forest me and my friend decided to climp up a tree and see the view from the top. As we climbed up the goup did not count us if we were all there. The view was amazing and we were watching it for about 10 minutes. As we both came down the tree we could not see anyone from the group or either hear their talking. We were terrified, but we also had good time looking for them together, for about three hours we were looking the way to the camp but we cound not find it. We got to the camp after 6 hours, lucky us we got lost in the morning. . I'm reflecting to this story because even though we got lost, could not find our friends or camp we finally found it and we were really glad that we did, and it finished in good way.
Nie wiem czy o cos takiego chodziło, napisałem tutaj historyjke ze sie zbubilem z kolega na obozie szkolnym bla bla. Tak bo inaczej nie rozciągną bym tego na 1 strone A4
Nie licze na naj, mam nadzieje ze pomoglem :)