Wybrałeś się na wakacyjną wycieczke w pocztówce do kolegi napisz gdzie jesteś,w jakim hotelu mieszkasz, jaka jest pogoda oraz jakie masz plany . Wszystko w j.angielskim
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hello Roman,
I got holidays now so I decided to go to Paris. I'm in expensive "Luwr Hotel". This place is beautiful. The weather is hot and sunny. I would stay here during 2 weeks. I'm going to visit famous monuments in this city!
Call to me when you'll get this postcard.
I’m in Barcelona on the holiday. I arrived at the airport on Monday and I’m going to stay here for three weeks in Marriott Hotel. It’ll be great! I’m sure. The weather is beautiful! The sun is shining all the time. Usually I go to the beach and I swim in the sea. A few days ago I visited a big castle. It belonged to one of Kings of Spain, but I don’t remember his name ;). Yesterday I was in a shopping centre and... you won’t believe me... I met Cristiano Ronaldo! He gave me his autograph. I’m really happy! Tomorrow I’m going there too. Maybe I meet a famous person again... Who knows? ;) How about your holiday? How do you spend your time? I hope you’re fine.
See you soon,