September 2018 1 13 Report

Wybierz minimum jeden temat i przygotuj speech na 15 marca ( wtorek ) . Speech musi mieć minimum 14 zdań i zająć 3-5 min .

Tematy :

# Which country would you most like to visit ? Why ?

# What is the best film you have even seen ? Why ?

# What are the best and worst things about school ?

# What 2 superpowers would you choose to have ? What would be your name as a superhero ? Your typical day as a superhero ?

#Which famous person would you most like as your teacher for a day ? Why ? How would the day look like ?

# If you were invisible for a day , what would you do ? Why ?

# If you were an animal , what would you be ? Why ? Your typical day as the animal ?

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