Wybierz minimum jeden temat i przygotuj speech na 15 marca ( wtorek ) . Speech musi mieć minimum 14 zdań i zająć 3-5 min .
Tematy :
# Which country would you most like to visit ? Why ?
# What is the best film you have even seen ? Why ?
# What are the best and worst things about school ?
# What 2 superpowers would you choose to have ? What would be your name as a superhero ? Your typical day as a superhero ?
#Which famous person would you most like as your teacher for a day ? Why ? How would the day look like ?
# If you were invisible for a day , what would you do ? Why ?
# If you were an animal , what would you be ? Why ? Your typical day as the animal ?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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# Which country would you most like to visit ? Why ?
The country that I'd like most to visit is the USA. I've always been fascinated by the culture of this country. I love looking at the images from this beautiful land and dreaming about a trip there one day. One of the things that I like about it is a huge amount of places worth to visit.You would have to spend long years in the USA if you tried to see everything but you wouldn't succeed anyway. Dozens great cities, hundreds of thousands tourist attractions, a lot of objects important for a world culture, plenty breathtaking landscapes and much more. That's all what you'll come across in the USA. Cities like Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco are worldwide known and I doubt that there are many people who have never dreamt about visiting them. The history of the USA is also very interesting. It's not so long as the history of many other countries in the world but it's absolutely unique and unquestionably fascinating. The story about the discovery of America is taught even in primary schools and almost every child knows who Christopher Columbus was and in which year the America was discovered. It shows how important this country for our modern world is. It was one of the biggest military powers during the World War II and they significantly contributed for the victory of the allies. Moreover, one more thing that I like this country for are the movies. Holywood produces many good movies every year. I don't really like Polish movies but the American ones are pretty nice. I watch about 50 of them a year.
I deeply believe that my dreams will come true one day and I'll be able to see the Statue of Liberty or Golden Gate live. I wish that also to you all! See you in the USA! :)