September 2018 2 9 Report

Wybierz dobrą odpowiedź (a,b,c lub d)

1. Have you ever...Russia?

Yes, one. Two Years ago.

a. been in

b. visited to

c. gone to

d. been to

2. The ... was crowded with passengers waiting for the rain.

a. platform

b. deck

c. runway

d. pavement

3. Would you

a. that I help

b. that iwill help

c. me to help

d. me halping

4. borrowed last week?

a. is scissors

b. are the scissors

c. is some scisors

d. are scissors

5. Sam bought an expensive watch, but regretted it....

a. at the end

b. after

c. hen

d. later

6. When the police arrived, we were pleased to see.....

a. him

b. him or her

c. them

d. it

7. Thank you very much. It was very.... you to help me.

a. good with

b. good of

c. good for

d. good about

8. The .... blew his whistle and the football match began.

a. umpire

b. judge

c. referee

d. juror

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