Wszystkie zadania z załącznika. Dzięki za zrobienie ;)
Kartka3 , 1e, 2h, 3f,4b,5g,6d,7a,8c zad 2.,1in, 2away, 3in, 4on, 5to, zad 3.,1suburbs, 2 basement, 3 chimney, 4 windowsill, 5 cushions, 6 drawer, 7 sink , kartka 1.,zad3., How old were you on your first day at school?, What was your brothers favourite game?, Where was kinga last summer?, Who was your favourite teacher lasy year?, When were your parents in Australia?, How much was this watch?, Why were you late?. Zad 4.,When did you post the letter to Alex?, What did your parents grow in the country?, Where did you go on holiday last summer?, Why did your brother study literature?