Wspólnie z kolegami i koleżankami z klasy zorganizowaliście w waszej szkole akcje charytatywną . Napisz list do kolegi z Irlandii - poinformuj na czym polegała akcja i jaki był jej cel. - napisz kto dał taki pomysł i jaka była twoja rola w jej przygotowaniu - opisz problem z jakim sie zmagaliście w trakcie przygotowań i jak go rozwiązaliście - opisz zainteresowanie akcją i ile pieniędzy udało wam sie zebrać.
mysia2998Hi Patrick. I would like to describe to my friends and a few charitable actions, which we organized in the school. The purpose of this auction was that we wanted to gather money for the orphanage. Our friend lives there. This idea suggested my mother. I was the main organizer. Our problem was to encourage young people to the idea. But it worked. All students who participated in this get positive uwagii. The interest on this inforamcjii was very large. We collected a large amount of money and devoted to children's home. This is the end of my story. Reply as soon as you have time. Bayo. Tom.
This is the end of my story.
Reply as soon as you have time. Bayo. Tom.