Wspólnie z kolegami i koleżankami klasy zorganizowaliście w waszej szkole akcje charytatywna. Napisz list do kolegi z Irlandii. *Poinformuj na czym polegał akcja i jaki był jej cel. Napisz kto był pomyslodwca akcji i jaka była twoja rola w jej przygotowaniu. Opisz problem, z którym się zmagaliście w trakcie przygotowań i napisz, jak go rozwiązaliście. Opisz zainteresowanie akcja i ile pieniędzy-środków udało wam się zebrać
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Tom!
How are you? I'm just writing to tell you my news. Recently together with my classmates I organized a charity action. We wanted to colletct some clothes, toys and money for poor kids. In the programme there were a lot of very interesting things.
The autor of this action was my friend Ola. I helped her to create posters about this action, and I hang them in our school.
We had a big problem because the car with the kids, was broken, but my friend Tom borrowed the car from his friend.
The people were very interested in this action. We collected 550PLN. This action was very successful. we decide to repeat it in next year.
Hope to hear from you.
Best wishes.