Wraz z kolegami przygotowaliście przedstawienie, które zostało wystawione podczas imprezy szkolnej, w rozmowie z kolegą (po angielsku ) : - poinformuj jakie przedstawienie wystawiliście i z jakiej okazji było ono przygotowane - jak długo trwały przygotowania - jaka była twoja rola w przygotowaniach przedstawienia - opisz problem jaki mieliście w trakcie przygotowań i napisz jak go rozwiązaliście - wspomnij jaka była reakcja widzów i na co będą przeznaczone pieniądze ze sprzedaży biletów
Dear Tom, Sorry that I dont written such a long time but I was very bus. I with my friends were preparing performance in our school. It was "Romeo and Juliet". WE are preparing it because it was a gift for ouy the best English teacher. We were preparing for it such few months. I was starring a Juliet. Besides I was perparing the tickets and I made a posters about casting. We have some problem with organisation our "small theatre" becase any students wanted took a part in our performance but finally we find the actores in different class. We played it during our school party. All on audience was enchantmented(oczarowani) and we got big applause. The money from the tickets we gave poor children.
Sorry that I dont written such a long time but I was very bus. I with my friends were preparing performance in our school. It was "Romeo and Juliet". WE are preparing it because it was a gift for ouy the best English teacher. We were preparing for it such few months. I was starring a Juliet. Besides I was perparing the tickets and I made a posters about casting. We have some problem with organisation our "small theatre" becase any students wanted took a part in our performance but finally we find the actores in different class. We played it during our school party. All on audience was enchantmented(oczarowani) and we got big applause. The money from the tickets we gave poor children.