Napisz list po angielsku list z uzyskiwaniem informacji. Chcesz zapisać się na kurs nurkowania : - zapytaj ile kosztuje miesięczna opłata - zapytaj czy musisz kupić własny sprzęt, czy będzie możliwość wypożyczenia go na kursie i ile kosztuje - czy dostarczają trenerów dla niedoświadczonych nurków - jak głęboko będziecie musieli nurkować i czy musicie przejść badania ? PILNE
At the outset I would like to inform you that I intend to enroll in a diving course. I saw your offer and I liked it. I would also like to ask at what price is the course? And if you buy your own diving equipment, or you can simply borrow? I also wanted to get an answer to the question whether, in your club are trainers for inexperienced divers. And also that we dive depth and whether we have to pass any test. I would be very grateful if you just wrote off as soon as possible. Thank XYZ
At the outset I would like to inform you that I intend to enroll in a diving course. I saw your offer and I liked it.
I would also like to ask at what price is the course? And if you buy your own diving equipment, or you can simply borrow? I also wanted to get an answer to the question whether, in your club are trainers for inexperienced divers. And also that we dive depth and whether we have to pass any test.
I would be very grateful if you just wrote off as soon as possible.
Thank XYZ