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Film "....." opowiada o młodej kobiecie która miała swój swiąteczny sklep i mężczyznie który był szefem policji. Oni byli zaręczeni i planowali wziąć ślub w święta Bożego Narodzenia. Jednak nie wszysztko szło zgodnie z planem ponieważ zgubiła się obrączka panny młodej. Młoda para pokonała wszystkie trudności i historia kończy się w ten sposób że Kasia i Marek biorą ślub.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Film "..." says about young woman which has had festal shop and about man which has been boss of police. They have engaged and they planed got married in Christmas. However not all going according to plan because bride's ring lost. Young couple piped all difficulties and story is end like this in the way of Kate and Mark getting married.
pewnie czasy pomylone , za co przepraszam . :)
The movie "..." is about young women, who had her own christmas shop and about a man who was a police general. They were plighted lovers and they were planning wedding in Christmas. Unfortunately bride lost her wedding ring. In the end bridal pair beat all the objections and fim ends that Kasia and marek are getting married.