Zad. 1 Change the following from passive to active voice.1. The poem was read aloud by Margaret.2. The Yankees were beaten by the Tigers in the playoffs.3. Her personal computer was given to Edith by her parents.4. The turnoff for Route 287 was finally reached by Carla.5. Many letters have been sent by me to your office.6. The streets around the fire had been blocked off by the police.7. The truth was suddenly realized by the contestants.8. The computers were shipped by the Tucson branch on Monday.9. Projects were judged by the teachers.10. A brialliant performance was given by the choir.11. Adam and JoAnne were married by the priest.12. The test was taken by Amanda last week.13. The truck was broken by little Tommy while he played.14. The National Enquirer was sued by a famous actor for publishing a scandalous photo.15. The movie was seen by the class before the exam.Zad. 2 Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice.1. Mark opened the door.______2. Mary will take some photos if the weather is fine.______3. Mary asked the policman for directions.____4. Many children use computers nowadays.____5. The police are asking lots of questions in the neighborhood.____6. The teacher is giving a difficult test.____7. Peter hasn't done his homework._____8. Mother takes the children to the party.____9. People built a swimming poll last year.____10. Bell invented the telephone in 1876.____11. The prime Minister inaugurated the new Town Hall.____12. Someone will take the visitors to the airport._____
Język angielski!!Past PerfectZadanie 1. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z nawiasów w poprawnej formie czasu Past Perfect.Before we went on the expedition, we (1)__________ (do) a lot of preparation. Mark and I (2)________ (plan) the route very carefully and Tommy (3)_______ (buy) some specialist equipment. Unfortunately, some of us (4)_________ (not have) enough training and worse, we (5)________ (not climb) such high mountains before.Zadanie 2. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z nawiasów w czasie Past Simple lub Past Perfect.1. She ______ (look) awful in the morning because she ______ (not sleep)most of the night.2. The new screen, which I ______ (buy) a few days earlier, _____(break) down yesterday.3. Mark ______ (call) us this morning to say he ______ (already / get) back from the States.4. She __________ (never / play) in public before so she _______ (be) very nervous during her first concert.5. Yesterday I _________ (take) a book back to the library which I_______ (borrow) a few weeks earlier.Zadanie 3. Przepisz podane pary zdań jako zdania złożone, używając czasów Past Simple i Past Perfect oraz podanych spójników.1. I drank another strong coffee. Then I started feeling better. after__________________________.2. He went to several interviews. Then he found a job. before__________________________.3. The others left. Then we got to the station. when__________________________.4. He did a lot of research. Then he started writing the book. before __________________________.5. They saw the flat. They decided to buy it. after__________________________.Zadanie 4. Napisz zdania w czasie Past Perfect, używając podanych wyrazów.1. She didn't know about the party. / Nobody / invite / her /__________________________.2. I didn't recognize the man in the photo. / I / never / see / him / before /__________________________.3. He couldn't walk straight. / He / drink / too much /__________________________.4. We were very pleased with the results. / We / do / very well / at the exam /__________________________.5. It was clear they knew each other well. / In fact / they / be / friends / for a long time /__________________________.
Język angielski!!! Past simple used to Zadanie 1: Uzupełnij zdania, wstawiając odpowiednie przyimki. 1. She moved to Paris _____ 1994. 2. We came here ____ quarter past seven. 3. He visited lots of exotic places ___ his travels. 4. He died ____ November 7, 1941. Zadanie 2: Uzupełnij zdania (twierdzące, pytające lub przeczące) korzystając z wyrażenia used to oraz wyrażeń z ramki. Każdego wyrażenia należy użyć tylko raz. [ be a quiet place, spęd etery holiday, not be good friends, study In primary school, work with us, play with, smoke a lot, not hale much free time] 1. What language ___ you ____ ? 2. A: I gave up smoking two years ago. B: ____ you ____ when you were a student? 3. I can’t believe the town has changed so much! It ___ but now it’s a crowded and noisy city. 4. A hundred years ago ordinary people worked hard and they _____ 5. Ben ___ for a few years but he left the company and started his own business. 6. Dan and I ____ at school but we started to like each other when we went to the university together. 7. What kind of toys ____ you ____ when you were a small kid? 8. My grandfather lived in a small village in the mountains and my sister and I ____ with him. Zadanie 3: Napisz zdania złożone używając podanych spójników I wyrazów. Pamiętaj o zastosowaniu poprawnej formy czasowników. 1. while /Sandra/ phone/ you/ you/ be/ out of/ town/ ____________________ 2. when They/ see/ an accident/ they/ call for/ an ambulance/ ____________________ 3. when /we get/ on/ the train/ it/ arrive at/ the platform/
Język angielski!!Zadanie 1: Wpisz brakujące fragmenty pytań, używając czasu Past Simple.1. You didn't come to school last week._______________________ ill?2. This souvenir is beautiful. ________________________ it on holiday in Egypt?3. A: I saw a film last night.B: _____________________________it?4. A: I visited my friend in Berlin last week.B: _____________________________ there by car?No, I went by train.5. A: It was Sandra's first flight.B: Oh, dear. ______________________________ scared?Zadanie 2: Utwórz pytania do podkreślonych informacji w poniższych zdaniach według wzoru.Example: Why did he go home early? He went home early because he was tired.1. _________? Mark sent me these flowers.2. _________? I bought this bike two years ago.3. _________? Henry bought his daughter a doll.4. _________? We met them at the marketplace.5. _________? He lived in France for two years.6. _________? She left the house at 6 a.m this morning.7. _________? I paid 130$ for this hi-fi.8. _________? She asked Steven for help.Zadanie 3: Uzupełnij dialogi przeczącą formą czasowników z ramki, używając czasu Past Simple.[ catch, be, watch, see, work, tell]1. A: I enjoyed the game on TV yesterday. Did you?B: I __________ TV at all. I was busy with my History project.2. A: Myra, you were late today.B: Yes. I left home a bit late and I ______ the bus. I’m sorry.3. A: The party was awful, wasn’t it?B: You’re absolutely right. There were so many people, there _____ enough room to dance.4. A: Theresa is leaving for Australia soon. She’s going to work there.B: Is she? I saw her yesterday but she _____ me anything about that!5. A: Was Irene at school yesterday?B: I don’t think so. I _____ her all day.6. A: Can I help you?B: Well, I bought this radio here this morning but when I bought it home it _____ Can you replace it, please?
Język Angielski!! Zadanie 1: PAST PERFECT, PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS Wstaw czasowniki w opowiedniej formie:1. I was tired because I …………… all day. WORK2. They …………… in that village for two years before they moved out. LIVE3. When I arrived at the party, some guests …………… ALREADY/LEAVE4. We …………… for half an hour and then we left. WAIT5. My wife ………… all her work before I got home after the meeting. DO6. I didn't want to go to London because I …………… there many times before. BE7. Natalie and I …………… our lunch before the restaurant closed. FINISH8. John …………… football for an hour when it started to rain. PLAY9. The door was wet because Tom …………… it. PAINT10. After she ………… her exams, she went on holiday with her friends. PASSZadanie 2: Utwórz pytanie i przeczenie:1. She had been to America before.2. We had left the party before Sue came.3. I had found a new job before they fired me.4. They had hired many people by that time.5. She had disappeared by the time we turned up.6. Susan had spent all her money before I arrived.7. John had driven a sports car before I did it.8. He had served in the army for ten years.Zadanie 3: Uzupełnij zdania:1. Jenny was very depressed because she …………… her exam and she had to rewrite it in September. FAIL2. She ………… at home before she went out. NOT/SIT3. …………… in a hotel before they found a flat in Warsaw? STAY4. She …………… her eyes until I lied down next to her and hugged her. NOT/CLOSE5. By the time Jack decided to speak to her, she …………… bored and she………… home. ALREADY/GET/GO6. Mary ………… long when he turned up. NOT/WAIT7. When Kate and Joe reached the airport, the plane to Asia …………… off. ALREADY/TAKE8. How long …………… English before you passed FCE? LEARN9. Jack …………… his project when the boss came in. NOT/PREPARE10. It was raining when we went out and we were angry because we ………… to take our umbrellas. FORGOT
JĘZYK ANGIELSKI!!ZAD. 1 Complete with the Past Perfect or Past Simple.1.The game had already begun (already / begin) when we turned (turn) on the television.2.As soon as Leslie _____ (pay) for her shopping, she _____ (leave). 3.After I _____ (talk) to my teacher, everything ______ (seem) easier. 4.It _______ (not snow) at the ski resort until they_______ (arrive). 5.________ (they / just / wake up) when you ________ (call) them? 6.By the time I _______ (meet) him, he _______ (already / make) three films. 7._______ (you / ever / use) a computer before you _____ (get) this job? 8.After the plane _____ (take) off, the young woman _______ (relax). 9.The little boy _______ (never / be) to the theatre before. 10.We _____ (just / begin) the lesson when the alarm bell ____ (ring). ZAD. 2 Complete the questions with the words in brackets. Use the prent continuous.A: ____ you ____ the party (enjoy)B: Yes, I am. I'm having a great time. What about you?A: No, I'm not. I'm going home.B: Why _____ you _____ so early? (leave)A: Because I'm feeling reallly tired. ____ you _____ too? (come)B: No, I'm staying. ____ you ____ home by bus. (go)A: No, bt taxi.A: Where's Winston? ____ he _____ the car? (clean)B: No, he isn't. He's in the kitchen.A: What ____ he_____ in the kitchen? (do)B: He's cooking dinner.A: What ____ he _____ ? (cook)B: Vegatable lesagne.A: Mmm! Delicious! ____ Ben ____ him? (help)B: No, he isn't. He's playing football with the childrenA: ____ Tom and Barbara ____ TV? (watch)B: No they're sitting in the garden.A: What ____ they ____ in thw garden? (do)B: They are relaxing in the sun.A: ____ they ____? (sleep)B: No they're drinking a glass of wine.
1) Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą czasowników podanych w nawiasach w czasie Present simple lub present Continuous..1) The weather's bad today. It ____________( rain ) heavily.2) Let's hurry. The train _____________( leave ) in ten minutes !3) I ______________( not do ) anything special at the moment.4) They ___________( build ) a new cinema in our town now.5) She ______________( not like ) this kind of music.6) Come in, please . Mr Roberts ____________ ( wait ) for you in his office .7) What's the matter? You _______________( not eat ) your dinner.8) We ___________ ( not go ) to the theatre very often.9) Peter_____________( leave ) for Australia next week.10) They_____________( play ) tennis at the club every Saturday morning.2) Wybierz poprawna formę .1) Come here, Jack.I look / am looking at our holiday photos of last summer's holiday.2) I think the blue jumper looks / is looking better.3) She sees / is seeing her friends most evenings.4) Ted sees / is seeing us tonight.5) I don't think / am not thinking we should buy a newer car at the moment.6) Robert thinks / is thinking of going abroad soon.7) They have / are having a very nice garden .8) She can’t answer the phone now. She has / is having a bath.3 Uzupełnij pytania poprawną formą czasowników z nawiasów w czasie Present Simple lub Present Continuous. 1. _______ you ________ (work) every afternoon?2. How often ______ they _____ (go) to the mountains?3. ______ Peter ______ (come) to the party tomorrow?4. What ______ you _______ (do) this Saturday?5. I don't understand this word. What _______ it _______ (mean)?6. There are a lot of police in town today. ______ they ______ (look) for someone?7. ______ she _______ (know) about the accident?
1 Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą czasowników podanych w nawiasach w czasie Present Simple lub Present Continuous. The weather's bad today. It _________________________ (rain) heavily. Let's hurry. The train _________________________ (leave) in ten minutes! I _________________________ (not do) anything special at the moment. They _________________________ (build) a new cinema in our town now. She _________________________ (not like) this kind of music. Come in, please. Mr Roberts _________________________ (wait) for you in his office. What's the matter? You _________________________ (not eat) your dinner. We _________________________ (not go) to the theatre very often. Peter _________________________ (leave) for Australia next week. They _________________________ (play) tennis at the club every Saturday morning. 2 Wybierz poprawną formę. Come here, Jack. I look / am looking at our holiday photos of last summer's holiday. I think the blue jumper looks / is looking better. She sees / is seeing her friends most evenings. Ted sees / is seeing us tonight. I don't think / am not thinking we should buy a new car at the moment. Robert thinks / is thinking of going abroad soon. They have / are having a very nice garden. She can't answer the phone now. She has / is having a bath. 3 Uzupełnij pytania poprawną formą czasowników z nawiasów w czasie Present Simple lub Present Continuous. _____________ you ____________________ (work) every afternoon? How often _____________ they ____________________ (go) to the mountains? _____________ Peter ____________________ (come) to the party tomorrow? What _____________ you ____________________ (do) this Saturday? I don't understand this word. What _____________ it ____________________ (mean)? There are a lot of police in town today. _____________ they ____________________ (look) for someone? _____________ she ____________________ (know) about the accident?

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