WItam. Potrzebuje odpowiedzi na 4 pytania po angielsku. Do każdego minimum 10 zdań. BARDZO PROSZE !!! ;) Pomóżcie bo na jutro rano musze sie nauczyć ;D
What can we do to make travelling safer for us ?
What problems may come up when you travel ?
How should drivers who ignore traffic regulations be punished ?
Which means of transport will be the most popular in 30 years time ?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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a) We can buyinsurance againstaccidents
b) Informneighbors andfamilyabout the tripand locationwhereyou stop
c) Pay attention to thedocumentand how toprotect them.Store themso as not toprevent them frombeing lostor stolen.
d) Use the services ofthe bestknown andleadingtourist companies,registered inthe Polish Chamber ofTourism.
e) Sure to check outlaws andcustoms of thethe country of stayand countriesthroughwhichyoupassed.
f) When planning atripa few hourstocheckwhat timethe border crossingis open,in which youcrossed the borderstate.
g) If you lose yourpassport documentabroad, remember thata Polish citizencan entertheir countrywithout a passport but you should inform about this the Border Guardwhen crossing theborder.
h) Returningin the evening, avoiddangerous, poorlylightedshortcuts(parks,courtyards,garden plots, etc.),the side streets,places known toyouas dangerous.
i) Going intoto the staircaseHavekeysreadysoyou do notlook for themin a bagbefore entering theapartment.
j) Payattentionif someonebehind youis not going-if somethingbothersyou, contactthepolicefor helporcity guard.
a) theftof documents
b) Falltravel agency
c) spoiledmeans of transport
d) do notpasson the border
e) losingluggage
f) disease
g) lack of insurance
h) changingpressureson the plane
i) assault
j) Problem withcarriage ofsmall children
a) givea mandate
b) BRINGa driving license
c) Payattentionto him
d) reportthisto the police
e) get off
f) do notlethimgoonandwait forthe police
a) Planes
b) flyingcars
c) Subways
d) trains
e) Buses
f) Tram
g) Ships
h) Bike
i) Roll
Staralam sie jak moge ale juz wiecej nie wymyslilam :) Mam nadzieje ze pomoge i licze na naj :)