Witam potrzebuje na szybko wiec daje 80 pkt i naj Planowałeś spędzić weekend u znajomych w górach . Niestety , musisz zmienić plany . Napisz email do znajomych (80 min do 130 max słów )
- poinformuj , ze nie możesz przyjechać w ustalonym terminie . - Podaj przyczynę odwołania przyjazdu - Wyraz smutek z powodu zaistniałej sytuacji - zaproponuj inny termin spotkania.
Hey, Max and Tom! Thanks for inviting me for the mountain-trip next weekend! Unfortunately, I won't make it this time... Im really sorry. I have to help my mum with spring-cleaning... I asked her if she can't do this after our trip but she just said "no way"... You know her, there's nothing I can do. Im really sorry! I know you were waiting for this weekend so long. Maybe we can go another time? Like... In two weeks? I promise I will go this time! Let me know if this date is OK for you!
Thanks for inviting me for the mountain-trip next weekend!
Unfortunately, I won't make it this time... Im really sorry.
I have to help my mum with spring-cleaning... I asked her if she can't do this after our trip but she just said "no way"...
You know her, there's nothing I can do.
Im really sorry! I know you were waiting for this weekend so long.
Maybe we can go another time? Like... In two weeks?
I promise I will go this time!
Let me know if this date is OK for you!