Witam potrzebuje na jutro e-mail lub list z przeprosinami z góry dziękuję daje 100 punktów !!!! Planowałeś wyjście do teatru ze swoim angielskim współlokatorem. Niestety otrzymałeś wiadomość że zachorowała twoja siostra mieszkająca w innym mieście i musisz do niej pojechać . Napisz e-mail do współlokatora w którym : - odwołujesz wasze plany z powodu wyjazdu - informujesz go dlaczego musisz wyjechać - sugerujesz wyjście do teatru innym razem - przepraszasz ze z twojego powody musi sam zorganizować sobie wieczór
Hey Matt, I know that we were supposed to go to the theater this Saturday, but I have some bad news for you. My sister is sick, she lives in a different city and I need to meet her, so we have to cancel our plans. We can always go to the theater later, maybe like in the next week? I'm really sorry you have to organize this evening by yourself only because of me, but I hope you understand. Your dear friend, (twoje imię)
I know that we were supposed to go to the theater this Saturday, but I have some bad news for you. My sister is sick, she lives in a different city and I need to meet her, so we have to cancel our plans. We can always go to the theater later, maybe like in the next week? I'm really sorry you have to organize this evening by yourself only because of me, but I hope you understand.
Your dear friend,
(twoje imię)