Potrzebuję na angielski wypracowanie pt. "życie na wsi a w mieście" Chodzi aby porównać warunki życia tu i tam Wypracowanie na jakieś 8-10 zdań
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Życie na wsi i w mieście bardzo się różni. Na wsi jest dużo spokojniej niż w mieście. Bo nie ma tam tylu aut fabryk, ani takich zatłoczonych ulic. Jest tam gdzie wypocząć, bo znajduje się tam wiele lasów parków lub nawet jezior. Jedynym tam problemem są sklepy. Zazwyczaj są tam tylko z 2 czy 3. Natomiast w miastach jest ich mnóstwo. Teraz to wolę mieszkać w mieście, ponieważ jestem jeszcze młoda, lecz z pewnością jak będę starsza to się przeprowadzę, by mieć spokój.
J.angielski Village life and in the city is differing widely. It is in the country much more calmly than in the city. Because there are there no this many cars of factories, or such crowded streets. It is there where to rest, because there many forests of parks or even lakes are. Only there shops are a problem. They there are usually only around 2 whether 3. However there is their plenty in cities. Now I prefer it to live in a town, since I am still young, but certainly if I am older I will move in order to have the peace.
Village life and in the city is differing widely. It is in the country much more calmly than in the city. Because there are there no this many cars of factories, or such crowded streets. It is there where to rest, because there many forests of parks or even lakes are. Only there shops are a problem. They there are usually only around 2 whether 3. However there is their plenty in cities. Now I prefer it to live in a town, since I am still young, but certainly if I am older I will move in order to have the peace.