1.Kiedy Japończycy chcą się przywitać, wtedy się ukłaniają 2. Kiedy Polacy są głodni, wtedy uderzają pięśćmi w stół 3. Kiedy japończycy wchodzą do czyjegoś domu, wtedy nie zdejmują butów 4. Kiedy bułgarzy chcą powiedzieć tak, wtedy kręcą głową w przeciwną stronę 5.Kiedy chińczycy chcą kupić prezent, wtedy omijają sklepy z zegarkami 6. Kiedy hindusi jedzą posiłek, wtedy nie dotykają go lewą ręką 7. Kiedy meksykanie rozmawiają z gośćmi, wtedy nigdy nie zaprzeczają 8. Kiedy Tajlandczycy robią zakupy, wtedy nigdy się nie targują
1. When the Japanese want to say hello, then a bow 2. When the Poles are hungry, then hit his fist on the table 3. When the Japanese come to someone's house, then you do not remove their shoes 4. When the Bulgarians want to say yes, then spin her head in the opposite direction 5. When the Chinese want to buy a present, then skip the shops with watches 6. When Hindus eat a meal, then do not touch it with my left hand 7. When Mexicans talk with the guests, then you will never deny 8. When Thailand market, then you will never bargain
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1.When Japanese want to greet, then, they bow. 2.When Polish are hungry, then, they impact to table. 3.When Japanese enter for anybody's house, then, they do not take off shoes. 4.When Bulgarians want to say so, then, they turn head to opposite part. 5.When Chinese want to buy presents, then, stores shops with clocks. 6.When Hindus eat meal, then, they do not touch it left hand. 7.When Mexicans talk to visitors, then, never they deny. 8.When Tajland [?]shopping make, then, never they sell.
2. When the Poles are hungry, then hit his fist on the table
3. When the Japanese come to someone's house, then you do not remove their shoes
4. When the Bulgarians want to say yes, then spin her head in the opposite direction
5. When the Chinese want to buy a present, then skip the shops with watches
6. When Hindus eat a meal, then do not touch it with my left hand
7. When Mexicans talk with the guests, then you will never deny
8. When Thailand market, then you will never bargain
2.When Polish are hungry, then, they impact to table.
3.When Japanese enter for anybody's house, then, they do not take off shoes.
4.When Bulgarians want to say so, then, they turn head to opposite part.
5.When Chinese want to buy presents, then, stores shops with clocks.
6.When Hindus eat meal, then, they do not touch it left hand.
7.When Mexicans talk to visitors, then, never they deny.
8.When Tajland [?]shopping make, then, never they sell.