Witam Pilna Sprawa!!! Otóż potrzebuję, aby ktoś ułożył dialog na 3 osoby po angielsku. Temat:
"Serwis Komputerowy"
Czyli przyłazi jeden gościu z zepsutym kompem do dwóch informatyków i mówi im co tam sie zepsuło (chodzi o części komputerowe) informatycy omawiają co może byc przyczyną naprawiają kompa i oddają klientowi spowrotem za jakąś cene. Jest do zadanie na angielski zawodowy!!! Tlanslatory nie przetłumaczą dosłownie wszystkiego ;] mój kierunek to technik informatyk więc najlepiej jeśli zrobi to osoba o tym własnie kształceniu.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I aman exchange student inEngland,andyesterdaymorningmylaptopbroke down.I decidedthe next morningto gotothe nearestcomputer repair.
Me:Good morning,where there isdepartmentservicinglaptops?
Receptionist: Pleaseenterthe elevator to thesecond floor,thentheend ofthiscorridorwill bethe firstdoor on theleft.
Me:Thank you
A voicefrom behind thedoor:Come in.
Me:Good morning,I would like torepairedmy laptop. I can't turn it on,and olso it wasfloodedyesterdaymorning with acoffee. Oh and it has frequent reboots since six months.
ITtechnician:hm, I thinkit would behard todeal withitbecause ofthesize of thedamage.Wait a minute I'll go and consultthe repair witha colleague.
*He took away mylaptopand went toanotherroom.
The secondITtechniques:Sowhat'swith thislaptop?
ITtechnician:firstof allitwasfloodedandallcomponentswill needto bereviewed,drained,andblownwith compressed air.Butthis is notthe most interesting.The customerreportedthat hehad issues with this computer even before.
The secondITtechnician:Do you thinkit may beswollencapacitorsfromexcessiveoverheatingnorthbridgeon the motherboard? You remember when motherboards that were well within their one year warranty were being returned at an alarming rate, all for the same reason: frequent reboots, lock-ups, accompanied by the physical symptoms of swollen, leaking electrolytic capacitors.
ITtechnician: Yes, you don't have to remind me.
*Durin the conversation The It technician was disassembling the main components.
Now while watchin at the parts he concludes:
ITtechnician: So the problem with flooding can be rapaired, and the capacitors looks just fine - the problem is a broken inverter! There is no backlight in the matrix so the computer seems to be turned off.
*He backs to the client with good news
IT technician: We can reair your laptop it wasn't so bad as it seem to be. It will cost about 50 pounds.
Me: Ok, here you go.
IT technician: You can get it back here, tomorrow at 12 o'clock.
Me: Thank you very much, goodbye.