September 2018 1 26 Report

Ćwiczenia "up beat"1 gimnazjum str. 39 zad. 4, 5, 6

4.Napisz gdzie pracują te osoby.

1. Tom's a farmer.

He works on a farm

2. You're a secretary.


3. My mother's a teacher.


4. I'm a builder.


5. Tom's a shop assistant.


6. My brothers are factory workers.


5. Uzupełnij czat internetowy wyrazami z ramki.

-does -does-go-goes-in-is-live-on-speaks-studies-to

Becks says: Hi. I'm in Spain with my friend Maria. It's great.

Cath 1 says: Hi Becks. Does Maria speak English?

Becks says: Yes. She____________ very good English. :)

Cath 1 says: Where____________Maria come from?

Becks says: Galicia. Her father__________________ a farmer. He works_____ a farm.

Cath 1 says: Cool. Does Maria_____________ in a nice house?

Becks says: Yes, she __________. It's beautiful.

Cath 1 says: Where does she ____________ to school?

Becks says: She ______________ to school in Orense. Hey! She____________ three languages at school! French, Italian and English.

Cath 1 says: Wow! Does Maria want____________ be a farmer?

Becks says: No, she wants to work______________ an office

tamto 6 zadanie zróbcie pliss jak macie książki

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