October 2018 1 28 Report

Proszę o rozwiązanie mam to na jutro !!!

1. How important is it to like yourself?

2. It is believed that optimists live longer lives. How far do you agree?

3. Should we always manifest / show our emotion?

4. What do you consider to be the most important thing for a happy life?

5. What are some of the advantages od shopping in big suprmarkets?

6. Some people say that hypemarkets kill local business. What do you think? 7. What kinds of shop are likely to disappear in th future?

8. Is shopping now easier or more difficult than it was in the past?

9. Do you think campaigns against food wasting can bring positive results?

10. How can people be encouraged to eat more wisely?

11. Do you trust food advertisements?

12. Do you think we buy too much foof? Why / Why not?

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