Napisz 100-150 słów (około 1 minuta słownej wypowiedzi) na temat:
1.Are there a lot of CCTV cameras in your town? Where are they? Why are they there? (Wrocław)
2. Do you think CCTV cameras are a good thing or a bad thing? Why? / Why not?
[CCTV to kamery monitorujące np.: w sklepie,banku,ulicy]
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I live in Wroclaw. In my town are the lot of CCTV cameras, cause people need to have a sense of security and they are here cuz they makes life easier for people. CCTV Cameras are in the banks, shoops and sometimes are on the street.
I think, CCTV cameras are good thing, cause it is too easy to use end really comfortable for people. Additionally provides peaoples' life safe and easy. It is really good thing! :)