Opinion and Suggestion have the same type of interaction considering that both are forms of conveying ideas or thoughts that someone has to others. However, both of them are different from the planting of influence on other people invited to interact.
Suggestion is a psychological influence, both coming from oneself, or coming from another person, which is generally accepted without criticism from the individual concerned.
In the process of suggestion, someone will intentionally and actively provide views, norms and so on so that other people accept. Suggestions will be easily accepted by others, if the critical power is inhibited, their thinking ability is divided (dissociation), the material gets the support of many people (majority suggestion), those who give the material are those who have authority, or if the person concerned has a prior opinion .
While, opinions are responses, views, or results of one's thoughts in explaining or addressing a matter but its nature is not objective and the truth is uncertain. In other words, opinions are subjective and everyone can have different opinions about an event or object.
The essence of the content of an opinion is the understanding and judgment of someone about an event where the opinion arises based on knowledge, experience, expectations or desires. In other words, everyone is likely to have different opinions about the same event. The main difference between opinion and suggestion is that opinion is merely conveying what is the subject of the speaker or the author without trying to influence others to follow it.
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The Difference between Opinion and Suggestion.
Opinion and Suggestion have the same type of interaction considering that both are forms of conveying ideas or thoughts that someone has to others. However, both of them are different from the planting of influence on other people invited to interact.
Suggestion is a psychological influence, both coming from oneself, or coming from another person, which is generally accepted without criticism from the individual concerned.
In the process of suggestion, someone will intentionally and actively provide views, norms and so on so that other people accept. Suggestions will be easily accepted by others, if the critical power is inhibited, their thinking ability is divided (dissociation), the material gets the support of many people (majority suggestion), those who give the material are those who have authority, or if the person concerned has a prior opinion .
While, opinions are responses, views, or results of one's thoughts in explaining or addressing a matter but its nature is not objective and the truth is uncertain. In other words, opinions are subjective and everyone can have different opinions about an event or object.
The essence of the content of an opinion is the understanding and judgment of someone about an event where the opinion arises based on knowledge, experience, expectations or desires. In other words, everyone is likely to have different opinions about the same event. The main difference between opinion and suggestion is that opinion is merely conveying what is the subject of the speaker or the author without trying to influence others to follow it.
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