Ułuż 5 zdań w czasie przeszłym z wybranymi przez siebie czasownikami : was/were , became , began , broke , did , itd . - to już sa zmienione formy ; ) z góry dzięki za pomoc ;*
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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-I was to London last week-Ja byłem w londynie w zeszłym tygodniu
-We were in centre.-My byliśmy w centrum
-I broke leg.-Złamałem nogę
-I arrived from the airport at 11:00.-Ja przyjechałem z lotniska o 11:00.
-They arrived from the airport at 7:00.-Wy przyjechaliście z lotniksa o 7;00
I was to Australia, when I was seven years.
My brother became very good boy.
I began school in last week.
My sister broke leg.
I did a good deed.