Wczoraj w kinie zgubiłaś telefon komórkowy. Napisz do biura obsługi klienta kina e -mail, w którym :
wyjaśnisz w jakiej sprawie piszesz,
opiszesz swój telefon,
poprosisz o pomoc w znalezieniu telefonu.
Welcome I'm writing with regard to the loss of my mobile phone in your cinema. I was in your cinema yesterday and I am convinced I must have lost my phone in a cinema hall, while I was watching the movie "Avengers". I assume it could have fallen out of my purse there. It's a Samsung Galaxy 5 phone. It's white and it was in a pink case. I would be very much obliged if you could search for my phone. Perhaps someone from the audience or a member of your staff has found it. Could you please inform me if someone had returned my phone to the box office? I look forward to your immediate reply. Regards XYZ.
I'm writing with regard to the loss of my mobile phone in your cinema. I was in your cinema yesterday and I am convinced I must have lost my phone in a cinema hall, while I was watching the movie "Avengers". I assume it could have fallen out of my purse there. It's a Samsung Galaxy 5 phone. It's white and it was in a pink case.
I would be very much obliged if you could search for my phone. Perhaps someone from the audience or a member of your staff has found it. Could you please inform me if someone had returned my phone to the box office?
I look forward to your immediate reply.