Wasz tata obchodzi wkrótce urodziny.Wraz z siostrą zastanawiacie się nad kupnem prezentu. -zaproponuj kupno książki,uzasadniając -odrzuć propozycję siostry,podając argument -zaproponuj kompromisowe rozwiązanie ZDAJĄCY
Jesteś z wizytą u koleżanki w Szkocji.Chcesz na własną rękę zwiedzić Edynburg. -powiedz,że chcesz sam zwiedzić miasto -nie zgódź się z argumentem koleżanki,że to może być niebezpieczne -zaproponuj kompromisowe rozwiązanie ZDAJĄCY
Wraz z kolegą chcecie zacząć uprawiać jakiś sport.On proponuje ci siłownie,ale ty wolisz coś innego. -odrzuć jego propozycję,uzasadniając -zaproponuj uprawianie innego sportu -w związku z jego wahaniem,podaj argumenty przemawiające za twoją propozycją EGZAMINUJĄCY
Nie wiem czy masz to napisac z kwestiami drugiego rozmowcy czy nie dlatego napisze tylko scenariusz dla Ciebie
1. - Hey, sister! Wait a moment! Don't you forget? Our father have birthday in Friday. Do you have any ideas for a present? [czekasz na odpowiedz krotko, jak nic nie gada ciagniesz dalej] I'm thinking that book that we saw yesterday can be a nice present, you know that book about Harleys, our dad realy love them, doesnt he?
[kolej nauczyciela, nie mam pojecia co moze powiedziec ale dajmy na to ze wybierze standard czyli ciuchy :P]
- Ok, i see your point but If we will buy that I'll be out of money, and as you know i need money cause my girlfriend have birthday in next week so i have to buy her something.
- Well, i think that i have an idea. We can make a birthday party for him. We'll invite all of his friends. If we'll tell them to come by motocycles our father will should be pleased
2. - I'm finally in Edinburgh, so first i want to do sightseeing by my own
- I think you may have right but look around its daylight, no one can hurt me, on streets are many policemans and as you know I'm very carefull person so dont worry about me, really
- Ok, so you let me go to do sightseeing, and when i'll back we can go to a party if you will want
3. - I see your point but going to gym is too expensive in my opinion, you know beads, suplements and others. - But if you wanna cultivate/do a sport we can join to school's football team - Hey, dont be so shy. That is place where the grass is green and the girls are pretty, so dont tell me that you dont like it please.
1. - Hey, sister! Wait a moment! Don't you forget? Our father have birthday in Friday. Do you have any ideas for a present?
[czekasz na odpowiedz krotko, jak nic nie gada ciagniesz dalej]
I'm thinking that book that we saw yesterday can be a nice present, you know that book about Harleys, our dad realy love them, doesnt he?
[kolej nauczyciela, nie mam pojecia co moze powiedziec ale dajmy na to ze wybierze standard czyli ciuchy :P]
- Ok, i see your point but If we will buy that I'll be out of money, and as you know i need money cause my girlfriend have birthday in next week so i have to buy her something.
- Well, i think that i have an idea. We can make a birthday party for him. We'll invite all of his friends. If we'll tell them to come by motocycles our father will should be pleased
2. - I'm finally in Edinburgh, so first i want to do sightseeing by my own
- I think you may have right but look around its daylight, no one can hurt me, on streets are many policemans and as you know I'm very carefull person so dont worry about me, really
- Ok, so you let me go to do sightseeing, and when i'll back we can go to a party if you will want
3. - I see your point but going to gym is too expensive in my opinion, you know beads, suplements and others.
- But if you wanna cultivate/do a sport we can join to school's football team
- Hey, dont be so shy. That is place where the grass is green and the girls are pretty, so dont tell me that you dont like it please.