Będąc na obozie w czasie wakacji w Walii,zgubiłeś się.Po powrocie do domu opowiadasz o tym swojemu koledze. -powiedz w jakich okolicznościach się zgubiłeś -powiedz,kto ci pomógł -powiedz o swoich odczuciach EGZAMINATOR.
Podczas wycieczki nad morze w czasie pobytu na wymianie w Anglii zostałeś okradziony.Opowiadasz o tym swojemu koledze. -powiedz w jakich okolicznościach i co ci skradziono -powiedz o wizycie na komisariacie policji -powiedz jak udało ci się odzyskać zgubę EGZAMINATOR
Podczas spaceru po Krakowie zaczepia Cię Anglik i pyta cię o wskazania drogi do dworca kolejowego. -wskaż mu drogę do dworca -zapytaj czy rozumie wskazówki -życz mu miłego pobytu w Polsce EGZAMINATOR
1.Hi! yesterday how you know I came back from the camp in Wales it was fantastically. one day we went along the entire group to the beach. I stared to the handsome boy and I forgot about everyone which walked me beside. suddenly I worked out, that stoje alone in the middle knowing the city of nobody. I was horrified. I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I knew neither the tongue nor people. I came up to this handsome boy to which earlier I stared. It turned out that to the name Alex had and he is good at English. He led me to the beach to my camping group. Then I promised myself that I would always be on my guard of group with which I am setting off to the beach in a foreign country.
2.Yesterday I had a bit of an irritating situation. They are going along the Short street I wrote sms to the friend. It being impossible .. this way I kept an eye on people passing me. Suddenly some tall man came up to me. He asked me where from I had such a fantastic phone. I decided to avoid it, but when I tried to walk away he tore the phone out for me and he escaped. With Klaudią we went to the police station. I described the appearance of the thief for policemen and my phone. Fortunately policemen quickly managed to regain mójtelefon. Since then I decided that I would never again be going through the city playing with the phone.
3.- hello! - hallo!reverence what can I help you in? - do you know perhaps how I can reach a railway station? - so this way you are going straight along this Short street. - you know perhaps how many more or less of metres? - about 150 metres, then you will turn right and you will be going about 200 metres straight with this street next you will go a railway station up. - okay very for you danke - and do you understand? entire road? - this way and very much I thank you - no problem. I wish you the nice stay in Poland. - I thank. bye - bye
2.Yesterday I had a bit of an irritating situation. They are going along the Short street I wrote sms to the friend. It being impossible .. this way I kept an eye on people passing me. Suddenly some tall man came up to me. He asked me where from I had such a fantastic phone. I decided to avoid it, but when I tried to walk away he tore the phone out for me and he escaped. With Klaudią we went to the police station. I described the appearance of the thief for policemen and my phone. Fortunately policemen quickly managed to regain mójtelefon. Since then I decided that I would never again be going through the city playing with the phone.
3.- hello!
- hallo!reverence what can I help you in?
- do you know perhaps how I can reach a railway station?
- so this way you are going straight along this Short street.
- you know perhaps how many more or less of metres?
- about 150 metres, then you will turn right and you will be going about 200 metres straight with this street next you will go a railway station up.
- okay very for you danke - and do you understand? entire road?
- this way and very much I thank you
- no problem. I wish you the nice stay in Poland.
- I thank. bye
- bye
mam nadezijeee ze pomogłaam ;DDD