Właśnie otrzymałes prezent urodzinowy od angielskiego przyjaciela. Napisz list (120-150 słów) do niego. - Dziękuję za dar przyjaciela -Powiedz, dlaczego go lubisz jak go bedziesz używał -Powiedz, co się wydarzyło w dniu twoich urodzin. -Powiedz znajomemu co jeszcze otrzymałes praca ma byc napisana poprawnie gramatycznie
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Hi Jess,
How are you ? I thank for the wonderful birthday gift! I am loving the sweater which you sent to me. In Poland the winter is very frosty, and the sweater is warming me. He is very warm and they perfectly are sending, when I am leaving in the evening, and it then is still more coldly than in the day. I am going to dress him, when with the family I am going to the Christmas Eve supper to the family from Warsaw. There my cousins live and I am sure that they will be envying me. Apart from that, is warm and pleasant, he is also trendy and has beautiful pink patterns on sleeves. On mum baked my birthday huge, delicious layer cake. I invited my friends, from which I got apparatus, watch, set of cosmetics and vouchers for the shopping in the gallery.
Get in touch pls.