November 2018 2 123 Report

Prosze o pilne rozwiązanie tych zadań , bo niestety nie mam czasu aby je zrobić ...

1 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or present perfect simple form of the verbs below.

be not eat enjoy go hear meet not introduce not see play start

1 ‘Are you allergic to prawns?’ ‘I don’t know. I _______________ them before!

2 My brother _______________ away at university for three months, but he’s coming home for the holidays.

3 ‘You look happy!’ ‘I ________ just ________ some exciting news!’

4 They are looking forward to the class reunion because they _______________ each other for many years.

5 We _______________ dancing since our school days and we go whenever we can.

6 Nothing _______________ well for me so far today.

7 ‘When ________ you ________ your driving lessons?’ ‘Last month.’

8 Nick and Lily _______________ each other in 2004.

9 I _______________ chess for two years in the school team when I was younger.

10 Most schools _______________ healthier lunches in their canteens yet.

Mark ___/10

2 Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1 My brother _______________ (watch) television for hours. I think he should switch it off now.

2 Lewis _______________ (read) every poem by Emily Dickinson!

3 Shelly says she _______________ (like) boxing since she was little.

4 My sister is good at languages – she _______________ (pass) all her French and German exams.

5 ‘Your face is red. Have you got a temperature?’ ‘No, I _______________ (jog) in the park.’

6 Jess and Paul _______________ (practise) tennis for several hours, and they still aren't tired.

7 ‘How long ________ it ________ (rain)?’ ‘Since last night.’

8 I _______________ (had) this headache for hours. The medicine I took isn't helping at all.

9 What ________ you ________ (decide) to do about the party next week?

10 My parents _______________ (love) each other ever since they first met twenty years ago.


3 Choose the correct answers.

1 You should wear a belt. It would show off your slim _____ .
a thigh b waist c hip

2 I need some new shampoo. My _____ gets itchy every time I wash my hair.
a scalp b chin c sole

3 When I said I had won a million euros, my girlfriend didn’t bat an _____ .
a eyebrow b eyelash c eyelid

4 I don’t trust you, so I’m not going to stick my _____ out for you!
a neck b fingernail c thumb

5 You aren’t really a millionaire! You’re just pulling my _____ !
a ankle b shin c leg

6 Clive fell and sprained his _____ .
a nostril b wrist c palm

7 A hot drink with honey and lemon is good for a sore _____ .
a heel b throat c lip

4 Complete the sentences with the words below. There are two words that you do not need.

awareness campaign diet issue law right tax treatment

1 Our school wants to raise ____________ of the dangers of eating too much fast food.

2 People should have the ____________ to decide how they want to live their lives.

3 The government thinks that the main health ____________ in this country is people not doing enough exercise.

4 They should launch a big ____________ to promote healthier eating in schools.

5 If the government decides to raise income ____________ , the poor will suffer even more.

6 Next year, the government is going to pass a new ____________ to ban smoking in public places.

5 Complete the sentences with the words below. There is one word you do not need.

swollen dislocated itchy blocked up rash allergic stiff upset

1 I would avoid spicy food if I had a / an ____________ stomach.

2 When your nose is ____________ , you can't smell or taste anything!

3 Ann fell asleep while she was watching TV, and when she woke up, her neck was really ____________ .

4 After Chris broke his toe, it was so ____________ that he couldn't fit his shoe on!

5 Mosquito bites are ____________ , but you should try not to scratch them.

6 I was ____________ to most kinds of seafood when I was young, but now I can eat anything!

7 ‘Do you think you have a ____________ shoulder?’ ‘Yes, I did it when I was playing rugby.’


6 Translate the Polish parts of the sentences into English.

1 (Od jak dawna czuje się Pan) ____________________ unwell?

2 (Nie wolno ci wychodzić) ____________________ without an umbrella. It’s raining.

3 (Na twoim miejscu) ____________________ , I would try to find a better job.

4 (Nie musisz mnie na siłę przekonywać) ____________________ . I’m happy to do you a favour.

5 Stay calm! (Powinnaś zachować spokój) ____________________ because you have to make some important decisions.

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1.oblicz masę 2 moli węgla i 12 moli węglanu wapnia 2.Ile moli zawartych jest w : a. 20 g Co2 b.14 g S c.0,03 g Ag 3.Ile moli i i ile cząsteczek zawartych jest w 5 g Na2co3 , 8 g Km ( n z indeksem na dole ) O4 4.Oblicz masę chlorowodoru zaw. 6,02 * 10 do 23 wszystkich atomów 5.Obliczyć, ile atomów wodoru jest zawartych w 3 molach siarkowodoru. 6.ile moli atomów tlenu zawiera 5 moli HNO3 7ILE gramow glinu znajduje sie w 3,06 g Al2O3 8,w ilu gramach azotu jest tyle samo atomów co w 1g wodoru? 9.Oblicz, ile gramów węgla znajduje się w 220g dwutlenku węgla. 10.Oblicz ile gramów sodu znajduje się w 0,4 mola Na2O 11.W ilu molach Pbo2 znajduje sie 160g tlenu 12.jaką objętosć w war. norm. zajmuje 15 moli wodoru , 2,35 * 10 do 21 atomów ksenonu , 32 g So2 13.W ilu dm³ dwutlenku węgla(co₂)(warunki normalne) zawarte jest 6 g węgla 14.oblicz mase wodorotlenku sodu powstajaca w wyniku reakcji 50 g Na z woda 15.oblicz mase tlenku glinu powstajacego w reakcji 40g glinu z tlenem 16. oblicz mase tlenu potrzebna do spalenia 8 moli węgla, jeśli wiesz ze powstaje co2 17. Oblicz objętość wodoru wydzielającego sie w reakcji 14 g wapnia z kwasem solnym, 18. Oblicz objętość co2 powstającego podczas spalenia węgla w 30 dm3 O2 19. Oblicz objętość H2 potrzebną do syntezy 100g wody 20. czy 10 g glinu wystarczy do otrzymania 25 g Al2S3 ? Wiem że jest dużo dlatego daję dużo punktów proszę o zrozumiałe odpowiedzi , spamy lub zrobione np 2 zadania będą usuwane :)

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