Ważnee !! Muszę opowiedzieć o tym tekście.. Skróćcie to co sie tam dzialo tak 4-6 zdań! Ale tak bardzo dla początkujących.. bo pani się kapnie inaczej ;p W czasie teraźniejszym ! Oczywiście po angielsku i przetłumaczyc to na polski żebym wiedziała o co chodzi.
A więc to ten tekst:
One Friday night in 2005, fifteen-year-old Kate Nelson was asleep in her bed. At one o'clock in the morning, she walked out of her house, across the street and into a building site. The security guards didn't notice her. Then she climbed up a forty-metre crane. At two o'clock in the morning, a man walked past the building site and noticed the girl on the crane. He called 999 and the fire service arrived immediately. A firefighter climbed up the crane and then realised that Kate was still asleep! He carried her down a big ladder. Three hours after leaving her house, she was back home again. When her parents asked her about her adventure, she didn't remember it.
Proszę o pomoc ! ;))
On w patek tak w 2005 roku zył jedynie kete nelson i nie dal rady byl powaznie chory ale w 10 zyciu roku coś takiego mal zone ale mu zginela gupie to