W twojej dzielnicy doszło niedawno do kilku przestępstw dokonanych przez młodych ludzi.Jesteś zaniepokojony tym faktem.napisz o tym w liście o długości 120-150 słów do kolegi.
*podaj jakie to przestępstwa i kto ich dokonał. *opisz konsekwencje tych przestepstw. *wyraź swoje obawy związane z tymi przestępstwami *dowiedz sie o bezpieczenstwo w jego miejscu zamieszkania i popros o szybką odpowiedz.
prosze o proste zadanie poniewaz nauczycielka moze sie zorientowac ze ja tego nie pislaem (jestem w 2 liceum)
Hi, Michael thanks for the picture that you sent me, I envy those that live in this quiet and beautiful area, unfortunately I can not persuade his parents to move. You know our district has experienced a number of crimes, for example, in my building they shot a boy, little did not die, he was also an attack on a shop and the dealer was beaten to death, but it disturbed me the most is that cluster around nineteen boys harass and steal from children school, which is close to and to which I go. I did not want to face them when I went to school, they are very afraid and did not know what to do as they meet. I hope that in the neighborhood you are safe. I will try to convince the parents that we moved to your district. I cordially greet you and ask you for your prompt response.
Hi, Michael thanks for the picture that you sent me, I envy those that live in this quiet and beautiful area, unfortunately I can not persuade his parents to move. You know our district has experienced a number of crimes, for example, in my building they shot a boy, little did not die, he was also an attack on a shop and the dealer was beaten to death, but it disturbed me the most is that cluster around nineteen boys harass and steal from children school, which is close to and to which I go. I did not want to face them when I went to school, they are very afraid and did not know what to do as they meet. I hope that in the neighborhood you are safe. I will try to convince the parents that we moved to your district. I cordially greet you and ask you for your prompt response.