W Twoim życiu zaszło ostatnio kilka zmian napisz list do koleżanki z Anglii w którym poinformujesz :
- do jakiej szkoły uczęszczam teraz i opiszesz kilka swoich obowiązków wynikających z pracy w szkole.
- wspomnisz jaki sport ekstremalny obecnie uprawiasz i na czym on polega.
- napiszesz jak spędzasz swój wolny czas z przyjaciółmi ze szkoły.
- opiszesz swój pokój po remoncie zwracając uwagę na nowe meble i kolory na ścianach.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Anna
Thank you for you last letter! My life changed in a couple of things. Firstly i study in a new private school. Marks there are very important i must study all day long,but im sure that after that school i pass my english exam very good. Secondly im in our school newspaper so i must be very active in our school life, but i really like it.
I start to skateboarding. It really hard extreme sport. Its all about crazy tricks on a skateboard. Im learning but im not good at it, but i'll don't gave up.
If i find some free extra time im meeting with my class mates in sport center. We play basketball voleyball and other team sports. And the biggest thing that changed in my life is my room! Now its green i have new furniture. They are really modern and i love them. My new bed its much bigger than old. I really love my new room.
Love XYZ.